Mushy works

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After her shower, Nicki said goodbye to Beyoncé and left.

Beyoncé called Lara.
On call:
Lara: Lara Cocks...
Bey: Lara it's Beyoncé Knowles
Lara: oh hey Bey, what's up?
Bey: there is a lady by the name of Tammy James, get her away from Nicki she's bad news. I don't want her near Nicki. I would literally pay you to get her ass away, she's gonna hurt my girl and I can't let that happen.
Lara: Tammy James. Got it. And yes you owe me.
Bey: I will also send you a picture of her. I will deliver something to you tomorrow
Lara: okay Bey.

A few days later, Tammy was in LA trying so hard to meet Nicki but it was impossible. She gave up and was preparing to go back home. She left a message on Beyoncé's phone.

*you didn't win. I'm still coming for you*

Beyoncé wanted to understand why she wanted so bad to ruin her relationship with Nicki, so she met her at her hotel.

"Why do you want to ruin my life? You and I were friends since kindergarten Tam. I've never done you wrong and you know what went down that night. It was self-defence" Beyoncé said.

"That's the story you and your mom told. But I have my version of the story that I know Onika would love to hear."

"What's your problem?"

"My problem is you, Giselle. You are my fucking problem."

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't deserve Onika. You hated her. She is not supposed to love or forgive you. She deserves somebody better. You don't deserve her"

"I don't. And I don't know why she forgave me or how she loves me. But I love her Tammy. I wanna be worthy of her. She's gold. My gold. My relationship with her is none of your business!"

"Tammy I'm warning you. One step closer to Nicki or call or message talking about my past... I'm gonna personally slit your throat and this time it won't be an accident. I will kill you. You know how hard I tried to get Onika to forgive me. How hard I cried, how I got my heart broken? I will be damned if you or anyone else try to fuck that up for me. Trust me I will kill you" Beyoncé said.

Tammy looked at Beyoncé.
"I'm not playing games with you. I will literally kill you." Beyoncé repeated and walked out.

Tammy was a little shaken because she knows Bey can go crazy. She went back home without going through with her mission.

"I'm going to Paris next week, it's a tradition of mine. Every year around this time of the year I take a week off to Paris." Nicki said. "Awe that sounds great. Please bring me something French when you get back"

"I don't have to... if you can take a week off. You can tag along."

"For real? Baby, I will love that."

"So I guess we leaving for France next week!"
"Wee wee!" Beyoncé said. Nicki smiled. They were seating in her bed watching a movie,  sipping wine, and eating some nachos.

"So uh baby the other night..." Nicki began. "When I answered a call. It was Tammy. I don't even know what she needed I'm sorry I didn't tell you who it was. I was just upset, I don't appreciate her calling me and if this continues I'm gonna snap" Nicki said.

"Do you want me to handle her?" Beyoncé asked. "Nah I ain't scared of her. I just don't want her talking to me in any way about anything."

"I will tell her to back off!" Beyoncé said. Nicki nodded. They concentrated on their movie.

"Do you Uh— ever gonna have kids of your own somewhere in the future? Is that on your bucket list?" Beyoncé asked because of the kids in the movie.

"Yeah, I see kids in my near future. Two probably three. Lexie made me fall in love with being a mom. It's a beautiful thing. So I would be happy to have kids of my own. What about you?"

"Nothing against kids. But no. I'm not a lover of kids. But somehow I see them in my future too"

"That's confusing!" Nicki said.

"I know. Is principles. I want to get married and if I want a family and marriage that works with my partner, kids are essential. I would give my partner what they need and want. I know if I'm so in love with their mother I'm gonna love the hell out of my life with my kids in that life."

"You said mother like you know you gonna end up with a woman!" Nicki said not looking at her.

"I kind of do know that. Because that's what I want, a woman in my future and in my now to correct my past" she said. Nicki kissed her. "You always know what the fuck to say to me," she said. Beyoncé smiled and kissed her back.

So your single Sorry—" Nicki said pulling from the kiss. Beyoncé looked down. "I was suppressing my emotions about what happened. Instead of writing an apology, my lyrics went south. Baby, I'm sorry!"

"I'm not upset anymore. I was then but then reminded myself of the game In the entertainment world. As your girlfriend, I'm proud of you. You did amazing. All the songs you wrote since we met... are fire!"

"...So if you think about it. There is no greatness in your life without me" Nicki joked

"Ain't you feeling yourself," Beyoncé said laughing. Nicki chuckled. They kissed and then looked at each other with genuine smiles.

"I don't want this... us to ever end," Nicki said.
"I don't even want the night to ever end," Beyoncé said as they shared another kiss.

Beyoncé took Nicki's hands.

"I feel like something would ruin this. I'm scared Onika"

"Somethings like what baby, nothing could ever ruin this!" Nicki said.

"The past. Not just our past but individual past!" Beyoncé said

"You know my past. Overweight, Bisexual experience, Married a man Divorced gone gay. That's pretty much it" Nicki said.

Beyoncé sighed.

"What's wrong? What's in your past that could ruin our relationship?" Nicki asked.

"I mean I don't know but things are not pretty in my past so I don't know what could hit us you know!"

"Then keep me updated on the things I need to know," Nicki said. Beyoncé couldn't do it.

"Have you ever been married? Do you have kids I need to know about? Anything of that sort?" Nicki asked.
"Nothing like that!" Beyoncé said.
"Okay then let's cross that bridge when we get there," Nicki said, she didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Beyoncé nodded and gulped her wine.
Nicki took her hands into hers.

"No matter what, we gonna figure it out. We gonna fix it because I want this to work. My heart wants this to work. So honey we don't give up on each other when things gets tough. We communicate. Work through it and chose each other and I promise you everything is gonna be great because one thing for sure is that I love you and I know you love me too. So let's not fail this love that we share. Let's water it and provide it with light for it to shine and blossom. Shit that's cony as fuck... you know what forget I said that. Let's just be a team baby" Nicki said.

"A team! I love that." Beyoncé said.

"You are in this with me for real right?"

"For a long term! I'm all in, mind spirit heart, body and soul" Beyoncé said.
Nicki laughed. "Now who's corny?"

"I'm okay been corny for you. So call me the corniest!" Beyoncé owned up to it.

Nicki smiled and laid back in her bed and pulled Beyonce into her body.
"Good night Ms Knowles. I love you!"

Beyoncé smiled and held her right. "I love you too Ms Maraj" they kissed and drifted to sleep.

I gotta ask... Still reading the book?

✔️Revenge body of the bullied girl!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang