Chapter 12

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Maui caught up to the dragon much to her surprise. He gestured for her to follow.

“What is it?” Makana called over the wind.

“Come on, I wanna show you something that will help." Maui called back.

Makana followed him to a massive island. Even in his hawk form she could see the confused expression on his face. The island itself was black.

“This is the island Tatakona.” Maui informed her.

“The original island of the dragons?” Makana asked.

“Yeah but I don’t understand something is wrong.” Maui said flying down towards the ground.

Makana quickly realized what it was.

“Maui don’t!” she called diving after him.

She grabbed him as he shifted to demigod form just before he hit the ground. The blackness moved forward trying to grab them as she threw the demigod into the air. The dark tendrils grabbed her and pulled her down.

“Makana!” he yelled as he shifted back into a hawk and dove trying to aid her but it was too late.

The darkness had almost completely covered her. Maui was sure he had lost her but suddenly the darkness expanded abruptly and disintegrated as Makana’s golden dragon light shown through. The darkness seemed to scream as the light pushed it away from everything it touched revealing the green underneath. Maui landed on the grass as the glow subsided.

“Are you alright?” He asked looking around.

“I don’t understand. Moana restored the heart, the darkness should be gone.” Makana sighed. Maui looked around.

“I don’t know maybe the effect hasn’t gotten here yet but I have an idea. Your dragon light it drove away. If the other islands are like this then we need two do something.” He said.

“No, I need to do something.” Makana corrected. “You don’t have a dragon’s light.”

“No I don’t but have this.” Maui said raising his hook.

It glowed purple as he stuck it in the ground near the edge of the darkness. Purple veins of light streaked across the ground causing the darkness to retreat further.

“That’ll work.” Makana commented. “But there are way too many islands for the two of us to cover. We might need some help.”

“What did you have in mind?” Maui asked.

Makana flew as fast as she could, finding dragon after dragon and driving the darkness from them with her dragon light. Each time the dragon felt as if they had woken up from a nightmare and a weight had been lifted off their shoulders. They were even more shocked when they saw the chieftain necklace and realized who she was. Makana explained the situation and many of them agreed to help either drive away the darkness with their own dragon light on the islands or find other dragons until no trace of the darkness remained. Dragons gathered around Makana as if waiting for her direction.

“Let’s go home.” She finally said. The colony of dragons followed behind her as she led them to Tatakona. Everyone but Makana was surprised when Maui stepped into view revealing himself to the entire colony. Many of the other dragons growled in fear of the demigod as Makana stepped forward. They stopped stunned as she lowered her head touching her forehead to his.

“Welcome home dragons.” Maui declared.

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