Chapter 2

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“Makana! Get away from there! Makana!” her father’s voice echoed.

“Daddy!” she cried as she was pulled away by her mother.

“Hey dragon!” Maui said starting her awake from her nightmare. A brilliant light erupted from her scales blinding the demigod. He lost his balance from where he had climbed and fell.

“Are you alright?” Makana asked looking down from her perch.

“Ow what was that for?” Maui demanded rubbing his eyes.

“I am so sorry. I did not mean to blind you.” Makana apologized.

“I was just trying to offer you something to eat.” Maui said.

Makana looked down. Even in the growing darkness she could see a fish on the ground near Maui. Now she felt really bad. Makana considered what to do now. Maui couldn’t see her to hurt her. She decided to risk helping him. She climbed down and changed into her human form in a burst of fire. Her orange scales changed to caramel skin. She had long wavy dark hair that went all the way down her back. her wings and tail disappeared and her dragon eyes were replaced with chocolate brown human ones.

“Stay right there.” Makana ordered as she hurried down to the ocean. She tore the bottom part of her skirt and soaked it in the cool ocean water before hurrying back to Maui. “OK you’re going to have to lean down. You’re a lot taller when I’m in my human form.” Makana informed him.

“Dragons can’t shapeshift. That’s just a myth” Maui scoffed.

“Says the demigod who is supposed to be a myth to my kind.” Makana countered as she touched his massive hand. Maui was shocked to feel a small human hand against his. He knelt so that she could reach his face. Makana tied the cloth around his eyes. “This will help with the pain and your vision should come back sooner.” She assured.

“Thank you little dragon.” Maui said.

“Makana. My name is Makana.” She informed the demigod. “And I am truly sorry. I can’t always control my powers under stress.”

Maui touched the blindfold. “I take it that I’m not the first to have been blinded?” Maui asked.

“You’d be right. There is a reason the other dragons call me sunburst.” Makana sighed.

“How long until I can see again?” Maui asked.

“I don’t know. It usually takes dragons a few days but you’re not a dragon.” Makana commented.

“Oh so I should be fine in about a day. You know there’s a lesson here somewhere.” Maui commented.

“Yeah don’t sneak up on a dragon.” Makana commented.

“I was going for trust Maui the greatest hero of all time.” Maui boasted.

Makana couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

“Rock.” She called just as Maui turned and smacked his head. “The greatest hero of all time who got himself blinded by a kid.” Makana said trying not to laugh.

The tattoo Maui laughed as he pulled down a score board marking a point in her box making it even harder not to laugh.

“I’ve been through worse.” Maui commented.

“Like what?” Makana challenged. This was a strange question for Maui.

“You’re kidding right?” he asked.

“No, dragons don’t have many stories about you.” Makana informed him. Even with the blindfold she could see his expression of pure disbelief. Even the tattoo was dumbfounded.

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