Chapter 6

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Lalotai was one of the few places that she knew the location of. There were actually two ways to get in. There was of course the entrance or she could dive down through the ocean which was much more difficult. The entrance opened automatically for her as she was a monster. Falling through the entrance was a strange sensation for someone with wings but she was glad she didn’t try to slow down as the water at the bottom did it for her. Colorful lights swirled around her before she finally emerged into Lalotai. Makana couldn’t believe how beautiful it was here at least until bat like creatures swooped down at her. She quickly smacked them away with her tail. Makana soon found that there were monsters everywhere, many of them much larger than she was. Even some of the plants were monsters. Suddenly a smaller monster appeared in front of her. His body was completely black and he wore a mask with a face that reminded her of a sloth. The monster stalked towards her moving very quickly and reveling it had four arms. Makana gave a warning growl but the monster kept coming. She barely missed it with a fire blast instead catching the tree behind it on fire. The blast seemed to catch the monster off guard and it came to a rolling stop in front of her. Makana quickly pinned it down as she bared her teeth.

'Kill' she heard a voice whisper. Makana didn’t know where it came from and she didn’t have time to think about it as the monster began to scream in distress.

“Please don’t hurt me!” He begged. His voice reminded of an old man.

“Give me one good reason not to.” Makana growled.

“I wasn’t trying to hurt you, I was trying to scare you.” The monster insisted.

“Not a good idea.” Makana stated.

“I know but you are obviously new here and I so rarely get to have fun anymore.” He said.

Makana considered what he was saying. He seemed harmless enough.

“What’s your name old timer.” She asked letting him up.

“Aoloa.” He said. “and you are?”

“Makana.” She said.

The burning tree crackled as one of the branches fell almost landing on Aoloa but Makana pulled him out of the way just in time.

“Out!” she commanded and the fire extinguished. Far away back on Maui's island Maui was looking off to the horizon in the direction of Lalotai. A strange wind blew across the island. The demigod's attention was drawn to the fire his dragon friend had given flicker and then go out. The dragon's words rang in his head. He slammed a fist into one of the rocks cracking the stone in his despair.

“Thank you dear now tell me what is a dragon doing down here?” Aoloa asked.

“I’m looking for Tamatoa.” Makana informed him.

Aoloa seemed to shiver at the name.

“I must advise against that dear.” He warned. “Going to see Tamatoa is like asking to be eaten.”

“I don’t have a choice. He has something that I need.” Makana informed the old monster.

“If you insist but you might want mask the shimmer of your scales” Aoloa recommended pointing to her oragne and gold scales.

“What’s wrong with my scales?” she asked.

“Nothing. Tamatoa is obsessed with shiny things and you are very shiny. It would end very badly for you.” Aoloa shook his head.

Aoloa helped her tie leaves around herself to hide her scales. Makana couldn’t help but notice him munching on a few of the leaves.

“So, you don’t eat meat?” Makana questioned.

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