Chapter 4

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(Just kind of a heads up there is a bit of singing in this chapter (Disney fic after all :) ))

The day finally came when Makana’s wing finally healed and she could fly again. She had begun to search the stars for the three stars her mother had talked about but a part of her didn’t want to leave Maui alone again. He had become a friend to her and friends were few and far between for dragons.

“Stargazing again?” Maui called up.

“Sort of. I’m looking for a specific star cluster.” Makana said.

“Oh that’s right you’re going to be gone soon.” Maui sighed.

“Maui I’m not going to abandon you. I will come back.” Makana promised jumping down to his side. “I’m going to figure out a way to get you off this island.”

“Hope your right kid. Now what stars are you looking for?” Maui asked.

“Three stars in perfect alignment.” Makana said.

“Could you be anymore vague?” the demigod sassed. Makana thought back.

"The stars were much brighter than the others and were perpendicular to the horizon.” She said.

“Now that narrows it down a bit more.” Maui commented. He pointed out several possibilities until they found it.

“Ah I know exactly where that is. Bit island with waterfalls lots of coconuts and bananas. Mmm bananas.” Maui sighed.

Makana laughed. “Dragons don’t exactly eat fruit but I will take your word for it and bring you some when I come back.” she promised.

“I’ll hold you to that.” Maui laughed.

“You know I’m really going to miss you little dragon.”

“Me too Maui.” Makana sighed. The world was dark except for Makana’s glowing eyes and the fire in the cave she had lit on that first night as they watched the stars one final night.

Makana stood on the highest point just as the stars just became visible.

“You sure you can do this?” Maui asked.

“We’ll find out.” Makana said as she closed her eyes and felt the wind across her wings and scales.

She opened her eyes as she leapt into the air. She soared high into the sky, her than she had ever gone before. She had almost forgotten what flying felt like. She wanted nothing more than to cry out joy at her new freedom but she didn’t feel like rubbing it in Maui’s face. She was too far up to see him grinning up at her. He eventually went back into the cave and sat by the fire that still burned brightly. He couldn’t help but think of when he had given fire to the humans. Makana glided across the strong wind currents towards the island and hopefully her mother. She couldn’t help but glance down to the ocean in search of fires. Fires usually meant humans and humans had boats. She took note of the stars when she did find one but there were surprisingly few. It took her all night and into the morning to find the island that matched Maui’s description. Makana could sense other dragons here but she couldn’t seem to find them. Out of nowhere a large green forest dragon tried to pounce on her but after the storm dragon incident she had come to expect these things. She quickly dodged away turning to give a fierce growl. Both dragons stopped almost immediately.

“Makana?” The dragon asked.

“Hello mother.” Makana nodded.

The dragon rushed forward touching foreheads with her daughter in a traditional dragons greeting.

Heart of FireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz