Chapter 9

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Makana watched with great interest. She had never seen a wayfinder at work and she had to admit it was way more sophisticated than star chasing. It involved aspects of current, water temperature, and sun position to name a few. Makana couldn’t even star chase until the actual stars came out but dragons didn’t need all that other stuff since they traveled much faster than the humans could sail. There wasn’t much conversation as they traveled. Something began to feel off and the water grew unusually still and foggy but Makana didn’t say anything. Moana looked up to see Maui smiling down at her from the top of the mast.

“What?” Moana asked.

“I finally figured it out.” Maui said jumping down. “The ocean used to love it when I would pull up islands. Your ancestors would go out and find them and it was the water that connected them all. If I were the ocean I think I would send a curly haired non-princess to save the world.”

“That’s probably the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. You should have saved it for Te Fiti.” Moana commented.

“I did.” Maui smiled as the fog began to lift. “Moana of Matanui I believe you have officially delivered Maui across the great ocean.”

Makana realized that what she was sensing was the strength of the darkness here. Fire began to rise on one of the boundary islands and Te Ka came into view.

“I take it that’s the lava monster I’m supposed to distract?” Makana asked rising to her feet. Her eyes glowed in anticipation.

“Yep. Ready?” Maui asked.

“Let’s do this.” Makana nodded.

Maui picked her up and threw her into the air allowing her to transform without shifting the boat. Maui was right behind her as he shifted into his giant hawk form with the heart in his talons. Te Ka threw a massive lava ball that both Makana and Maui dodged but it almost hit the boat. Makana flew ahead of Maui acting as a shield and blasting Te Ka with her dragon fire but it didn’t have much of an effect. Te Ka all but ignored her and went for Maui managing smack him. The force of the impact turned him back to his demigod form. Maui was able to grab both his hook and the heart and shift back to a hawk. Makana decided to change tactics taking control of the fire within Te Ka and turning it on itself. That got his attention. Te Ka turned catching Maui and knocking him into the ocean and slammed Makana hard enough to send her flying. She managed to right herself before hitting the water and began to fly back. Maui had managed to climb back on the canoe.

“This isn’t going to work!” he told Moana.

“Te Ka can’t touch the water. He’s stuck on the barrier islands.” Moana informed him sailing closer.

“What are you doing?” Maui demanded.

“Finding you a better way in!” Moana called.

Makana sped up as Te Ka closed in on them. She wasn’t going to make it. The blue marks appeared on her scales as she prepared to use the fire of the ancients.

“Moana turn back!” Maui ordered as Te Ka moved to strike them down.

Maui raised his hook to block the hit just as the blue fire made contact. The combination of the three powerful forces created an energy wave transforming Makana back into human form. She had been close enough to land on the boat just as the force of the wave sent the boat back at a great speed. Both Makana and Moana blacked out as Maui tried to shield them both and keep the boat from rolling.

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