Chapter 10

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One more singing sequesce. Its meant to be to the tune of I am Moana

Makana was the first to open her eyes. She was a bit surprised to find herself in human form. She pushed herself up with some manner of difficulty, Makana guessed it was from the hit she had taken. Maui was sitting with his back to her. Makana wasn’t sure how long she had been out but it was considerably darker now. Moana woke up and pushed herself up.

“Maui, are you alright?” she asked.

“I told you to turn back.” He said turning around to reveal his hook had been cracked.

Both girls gasped in shock. Purple electricity sparked around the scorched crack.

“Maybe we can fix it.” Moana suggested.

“It was made by the gods you can’t fix it.” Maui said angrily. “Without my hook, I’m nothing.”

“Maui.” Moana tried. “Without my hook, I am nothing!” he yelled dropping the heart on the deck and moving to leave.

“We’re only here because you stole the heart in the first place.” Moana reminded him.

“No, we’re here because to ocean told you that you were special and you believed it.” Maui growled.

Moana picked up the heart. “I am Moana of Matanui. You will board my boat and restore the heart…”

“Goodbye Moana.” Maui said turning away. He transformed into a hawk with some difficulty and flew into the growing darkness.

“Maui!” Moana called after him.

“I’ll talk to him.” Makana assured leaping into the air and flying after the demigod leavin Moana alone.

Makana easily kept up with Maui. He was flying as if he was injured. She flew in front of him forcing him to stop. She would not let him pass so they both landed on some rocks. Maui shifted back to demigod form while Makana remained as a dragon.

“I’m not going back. I can’t, not with my hook like it is. I’m not Maui without it.” He stated.

Makana simply sat there silently staring at him with an unreadable expression.

“Say something!” he yelled.

“What do you want me to say?” she asked. “That you should go back? That you should run? I don’t have all the answers but I do know that hook does not make you who you are.”

“You don’t know me very well then.” Maui stated.

“Oh Maui,” she sighed.

You are the one who saved two peoples
You stopped the dragon war
It was you
You are the one who saved a young dragon
When she felt she had no hope
It was you
It’s your heart deep inside that defines you
You hear the call of the people that need you
You must do what you feel is right, follow your heart
But come what may you know the way
You are Maui

The two were silent for a long time before Makana broke the silence

“Look Maui I can’t force you to help but I’m going back.” Makana said opening her wings.

“Wait!” he stopped her. “I’m coming.”

“What changed your mind?” Makana asked.

“If I don’t do this its going to eat at me for the rest of my life.” Maui said.

“Can’t argue with that.” Makana smiled touching her forehead to his in understanding.

“That and I can’t let two princesses do the job of a demigod.” Maui smirked as he changed into a hawk and taking to the sky.

“Oh don’t even start.” Makana called flying after him.

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