50• After the war

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After the war

"Do not pretend that you are some meek, pathetic little girl when I see that vicious mind working behind your eyes" 

"Do not pretend that you are some meek, pathetic little girl when I see that vicious mind working behind your eyes" 

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Mariana's POV

Here I stood, staring at myself in the mirror
Alone, and terrified
I grasped hold of the scissors with one hand, pulling my hair up with the other
I took a breath... and cut

Cut and cut, until I had a short bob left
One that I had to dye blonde.
I already didn't recognise myself
I had to be different, elegant.
Someone soldiers will trust.

And yet I didn't trust myself
I didn't trust my mind, I just hoped blackouts hadn't followed me here
I hoped I wouldn't have to hurt anyone.

And I hoped I would still be me by the end of this war.


And then just like that it was over. It was finally over
And after all the years of blood and violence and heartache. I had nothing.
A drawn out terror that also felt like a blur
I had lost my only brother.

Unable to attend any sort of funeral.
Dead in the name of a hero
And yet it left a hole in my heart that had turned into anger
Anger at them for putting my brother through such a hellish and awful fight.

And here I was. Dumped back in watery lane.
With short blonde hair, bruises and cuts
Two bullet hole scars and no family left
I felt like a shell of a person
A person I didn't even recognise anymore after all the changes they made to my appearance

After all the horrific crimes they made me commit
I was empty
The only thing that drove even a shred of emotion out of me was seeing Polly and Nala after all these years

My sister now 10 years old. And Polly looking older and exhausted of it all

The boys weren't back from France yet.
The fact they had all survived was the only thing keeping me sane

They were all alive
It was a big relief compared to the heartache of David
The letters had slowly filtered out between us all
Too caught up in 'fighting the great fight' to write letters.

Moved around too much to even know where the other one was.

"You look different" Polly said simply, a drained shell of a woman that was slowly refilling with hope at the thought of her boys coming home
Stood blankly staring at me as if I were an apparition
"It's been 4 years Polly" I said, waiting for Nala to pack her things

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