You're GAY?

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Me and my mates came up with this at school, we found it quite amusing.

No ones POV

Donna Way stormed towards her younger sons Hospital ward, needing answers to say the least.

"Gerard's dating FRANK?!"

Mikey snapped his head in his mother's direction, but nodded eventually. He's pretty sure she should have figured it out by now. The looks they throw at each other, the smiles they reserve for one another, it was obvious really.

"Yeah," he states, matter-oh-factly.

"How could I have not known this?" she cries, shaking her head. She should know her own son right?

"You're a bad mum," Mikey suggests, leaning back against the headboard of the bad.

"I am not a bad mother! I'm just not very observent," she defends, folding her arms and giving Mikey her best death glare.

"Clearly," Mikey huffs, closing his eyes slightly.

"I need comfirmation," she sighs, shaking her head and running towards Gerard's room, needing more information.

She got to the door and looked upon her eldest son. Gerard was sleeping peacefully, his hair scruffled in the way he usually haqs it anyway.

"Gerard," she whispers, and his eyes snap open, as if he was ready to fight, as if he was ready to run.

"You're dating Frank?" she asked for the hundredth time that day.

"I think so, God, I'm pretty sure we are," Gerard sniffed, clearly not remembering every detail, but he knew they were a thing.

"Oh my God! At least Mikey turned out alright," she sighed, giving up on Gerard completely, although that was strictly not fair at all.

"Actually, I believe he's dating Ray," Gerard recalls, nodding slightly as if it was a comfirmation.

"WHAT? How could I have not known this?!" Donna screeches, not really understanding what she did wrong to have two gay sons, especially since she had no idea.

"Coz you're a bad mum-" Gerard echoed his brother before,

"Don't!" Donna snapped, not wanting to hear it again.

"Anyway, yeah, you know Ray, my other best friend. He's dating Mikes," Gerard tells her, finally remembering his little brothers relationship.

And as unlucky as Ray is, he steps into Gerard's room at that exact moment, getting a fixed death glare from his friends mother.

"YOU'RE DOING MY BABY BOY?" she immediately reacts, as if to hit the poor teenager.

"WHAT?! NO! Since when have I beend oing Gerard?!" Ray scoffs, eyes widening and panic sets into his gears.

"Not Gerard you oaf! My baby Michael!" Donna accuses, her eyes squinting and her hands on her hips.

Ray's eyes widen even more, if that was even possible, and he glanced at Gerard in a panicing way. She's not meant to know! Mikey was meant to tell her in his own time, not her accusing him!

"Just lie," Gerard whispers, his voice very quiet, even Ray had a hard time hearing it.

""My mum told me not to lie!" Ray snorts, but a lot louder then neccessary.

"So it's true! You are doing Mikey!" Donna flames, and Gerard's pretty sure he can see smoke coming out of his mothers ears.

"NO! I'm not doing anybody! I'm still a virgin! I haven't done anything Mikey doesn't want to do. Not that he's objected to doing anything, no, wait, no, that's bad, err, we haven't had sex if that's what you mean, we want to, but we don't because that's not right, and and....err....I'm just gunna shut up now," Ray rambles unconsciously, panicing really badly.

He's just digging himself an even deeper hole.

"MICHAEL!" Donna booms, marching her way to the seventeen year olds room.

"Let me sleep," Mikey moans as his mother reapperas.

"No, not yet. Apparently, according to Gerard and Ray, your dating him," Donna cries out with agitation, wishing Mikey will tell her its all a joke. Boy was she wrong.

"Yeah, I'm dating Ray," he admits, not even feeling guilty or embarassed. Coz really, he's too tired for any of that.

"So both my boys are gay? Just great. Gerard won't remember, but I have to know, is Gerard a virgin?" Donna gulps, needing to know details about her son, willing to help them.

Mikey scrunches up his face, as if to say Eww that's my brother you minger! but he doesn't. He just rolls his eyes and tells the truth because, coem on people, he hasn't had sleep in three flipping days.

"No," and after the matter was dealt with, he closed his eyes.

"HE'S NOT A VIRGIN?" Donna freaks, because now she is getting the impression that, yes, she is the worst mother ever.

"No. Didn't you hear the noises earlier this week? The banging from the basement?" Mikey shrugs, his eyes still closed. But even thinking about his brothers sexual habits made him feel more than sick, and had to fight to refrain the gunk coming up from his throat.

"I that that was his drum set!" his mother exclaimed.

"He doesn't own a flipping drum set! Gerard can't even play drums!" Mikey retorts, rolling his eyes inside his eyelids.

"S-S-S-So, w-wait, both my boys are gay, and my eldest is not a virgin even though he isn't twenty one?" Donna gulps, because if she's getting the right information, then she can rule off best mum ever on her Mothers Day card. Coz reall, she should've seen this coming.

"You are correct. Now, go bother Gee about it, let me sleep!" Mikey snapped, rolling on his side and digging his head in the pillow.

Donna cried out in fustration before doing what she's told, marching back up to Gerard's room. God, how many times has she been up and down these stairs? She'll be loosing weight tonight.

When she gets there, Ray is still hovering over him, they are whispering and Donna hates it.

"I can't believe you never told me you had a boyfriend! And it's Frank! And you're not a virgin!" she sneers, scowling at Gerard.

"What's a virgin?" Gee asks exasperated, because he's pretty sure he should know, but he doesn't.

"I'm going home now," Ray quickly inputs before scrambling out of the room before he gets murdered.

"Nevermind! When you get your memory back, I'm so having a big talk with you. And it'll include a lot of scolding!" Donna snarled, before slamming the door shut behind her.

Gerard just scrunched up his face and rolled onto his side. Is that really his mother? Coz if so, she might need some mental help.

Coz really, what was that all about?

Famous Last Words! (Frerard fic, also a bit of Mikey/Ray)Where stories live. Discover now