Let Me Scream

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Gerard's POV

Guess what? We're finished! Yes! We finished our amazing tour! That was the best experience of my entire life! But the bad thing is the fact that we had to return home. So here I am, back at my house, where mum is raveshing me and Mikey with gifts we do not need. Mikey denied all gifts given, so did I, but mum was more pissed off at the fact that we didn't take them. And here's another bad thing that's been thrown in the boat, mum has been plotting. And thinking. This will not end good.

So this is how I found out the worst thing to happen right now:

I ran into Mikey's room, who was finishing his English homework. Nerd.

"Mikey! There you are. Do you have them books mum gave to you?" I ask hurriedly. I really needed the toilet, but our stupid dog won't let me go until he goes. And mum doesn't let him go to toilet in the house. So I suggested this mastermind plan: The dog does his business outside. Not a bad idea? SINCE NORMAL PEOPLE LET DOGS DO THEIR BUSINESS OUTSIDE!

But you know what? Just because our mum is one of the worst mums out there, she doesn't want her precious lawn to get mauled by their dog. So poor Rufus can't go anywhere without getting mum's disspproval. So I have to sneek paper from anywhere and put it in the bathroom so the poor thing can go.

"Err, yeah, why?" he asks, after shuffling around. He reaches to grab countless books mum gave us as gifts as we finally arrived home. She was all clingy and motherly, which made me hate her more. We couldn't deny books though, she'd kill us if we did.

"Gimme!" I say, trying to speed up the process. I really needed to go. Like, really, really needed to go.

"Err, here," Mikey said awkwardly as he passed me three hardbacks. I continueosly rip page after page out, ignoring Mikey's yelp in complain at my recking, until I had twenty five pages. I threw the books back at Mikey before flying down the stairs at rocket speed.

I reach the bottom and place the pages on the floor in the bathroom quickly, so Rufus can take  a dump. The things I do for this stupid dog. I wait outside whilst Rufus takes a dump. I jump up and down to try and take my mind off of my bladder. Unfortunately, my father comes towards me with papers. Oh for Fuck sake.

"Gerard Arthur Way, explain this please!" he snarled harshly.

I roll my eyes and take the paper from his hand. I scan read the file and groan. It was my report from school. My grades were quite pathetic, and the amount of my Red Cards and referals might take a few weeks to calculate. I should really pay more attention to schoolwork instead of artwork, Star Wars and comics. But now I have songs to write, so school work is the least of my worries. I hope father will understand that. He won't. I know he won't.

"It's my report card," I answer before pushing it back into his grasp. His eyes suddenly grow incredibly cold and I reached out for it again, because that's exactly what he wanted me to do. I may seem like a wimp right now, but I really need the toilet, like really badly. So I ain't gunna mess with anyone right now.

"I know that you cheeky bastard! Yur grades are the worst I've ever seen! I don't want any of your excuses that are mostly crap that you learned to get you out of trouble, because it ain't working mister. If you don't pull up your socks like your dear brother then you will not have a roof over your fucking head!" My father screamed. He slapped me across the face then, only pushing more pee out of my bladder system and I shrieked.

He stalked off, slamming the report into my hands as he went. I should really worry about my grades now, especially since he's at hitting stage. And if I don't pull my socks up then he may actually keep his word and lock me out of the house. I shiver at the thought. But eventually my thoughts drifted to my over-active bladder as the dog finally stoops out.

"I call shot-gun!" my mum called before actually shoving mo out of the way before locking the bathroom door. WHAT THE FUCK? WHERE DID SHE COME FROM?

"Son of a bitch!" I snap.

But trust me, schoolwork is one of my weaknesses. I don't understand anything. But another home problem is that mum is always looking out for girls I should date. She thinks I'm a reasonable age, reasonable my arse, to finally date girls. I shudder at the thought, especially since I'm going out with Frankie now. Did I tell you? I probably didn't but because you witnessed earlier events I think you would've guessed that we date now.

Anyway, back to the problem, mum doesn't actually know I have a boyfriend, in fact she'd stab me in the heart if she found out. The whole band is okay with Franie and I dating, but I know parents won't be as acceptable. Fucking bastards.

Another thing that's pissing me off is the fact that Ray loves Mikey, Mikey loves Ray, but they make it so flipping obvious that I just wanna scream "KISS FOR GODS SAKE" at them. But I don't. Coz I'm a good problem. I finally agreed to let Mikey sort out his own problems. But if he doesn't come out to us soon then I will take charge. And that is a sight not to see. Good luck, Michael.

Famous Last Words! (Frerard fic, also a bit of Mikey/Ray)Where stories live. Discover now