Broken Arrow

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Frank POV

Well, we've finished touring and I have to say that the concerts were the best thing I've ever done! We arrived back home today. I can't believe we was gone three whole months. I was super glad. We are now extremely famous and I can't believe any of this is actually happening! It used to be a big dream to me. I knew I could play the guiatr, and I knew Gerard could sing, and I knew Mikey played bass. But add a lead guitar and a set of drums into the scene and it was just incredible. Touring with my best friends, it was a dream come true.

The thing that's bothering me now is the fact that I'm back at home. Meaning my mum is all over me but my step dad is sneering at me behind mums back. I gulp. I'm not ready for the pain yet, not so early! I only just got back. I roll my sleeves up a tad, seeing the mark he embedded on me before I left with my friends. It was on largs cut starting from my shoulder all the way to my wrist. He used a knife to cut through the skin, slice like a ninja blade. It hurt so bad. I was screaming and crying all night.

I bet he missed it. I bet he wanted me to suffer whilst I was touring, I bet he wants to make up for the three months that he couldn't hurt me and use all his strengh to beat me now. Mum's in the kitchen making tea. This is a big oppertunity for my step-dad. He can just dive in right now and kick me, hit me, punch me, cut me, razor me, anything. He can do anything because mum is out of sight.

But he just stands there, his eyes glued to me, a cold empty expression he holds is scaring me. I'd rather get beaten up now, sooner rather than later. But it hurts too much. He wants it to hurt too much. I need Gerard, I just need to hold his hand. I can't walk this world alone. I can't walk this world alone. I need someone, I need Gerard.

Rick just stands there, it's like he's mocking me. I slump to the floor and bury my face in my hands. I start to cry silently, blocking out every sound. My large cut on my right arm started bleeding, the blood seeped through the clothes, and very visible to the naked eye. Rick was next to me in a flash, a sickly expression painted on his face.

"I hope you clean that up," he sneers through gritted teeth.

I don't answer, I just keep on crying. The pain, It hurts too much. My clothes begin to get soaked from the tears and all the blood that I'm loosing. I don't have the common sense to move. I don't have the snse to answer. Big Mistake.

He takes his foot (he was wearing boots with immense rough grips at the bottom, painfully rough) and slams it into my stomach, making me wheez and scream out in pain. Rick grabs my bleeding arm and drags me out of the living room as we hear the kitchen clutter stop making noise, which meant mum wanted to know what my screaming was about. She entered the living room but Rick had successfully brought me to the bathroom and locked the door.

"Shut up you worthless junk!" he warned scornfully.

I cried again becuase I was a wimp. I have nothing to say to this man before me. No, he's not a man. He's a demon, the devil's minion.

"LISTEN TO ME!" was his bellow of agitation.

He raised his hand and slapped it across my face, leaving a giant red hand shaped shadow on my left cheek. I fell to the floor, suddenly very week. I was weak from the pain that sours through my body, I was weak at the amount of blood that's escaping my body, and I was weak becuase I was pathetic, and I was worthless. I don't deserve to live.

Mum knocked on the door, sounding very worried.

"Is Frank alright?" she asks concerningly. I smile triumphantly, he never hurts me when mum is here. And he may have just got busted.

If mum opened this door right now she'd see his raised hand, my blood soaked clothes, the red hand print on my cheek. She's notice me crying and realise how much of a mistake marrying Rick was. But apparently that was not the case.

"He's fine, he's in his room sleeping darling," Rick answers.

I was about to protest angrily but he shoved a gloved hand over my mouth. He lifted me up and shoved me in the bath roughly. I collapsed on the cold hard metal and I was about to scream but Rick's hand kept forcefully into my mouth, keeping me from yelling. He grabbed the curtain that was connected to the bath and closed it forcefully, nearly making it tear off. He was at the door in seconds. I was about to get out of the bath and yell at him. But mum had entered and exited with Rick. I felt a pound on the outside of the bath and more blood scraped off of my body.

A knife. Rick was cutting through me. And then all of a sudden more pain took over, everything went black. My whole world fizzed and buzzed until my eyes closed, making me daze off, sleeping in the darkest lightest place in history...

Famous Last Words! (Frerard fic, also a bit of Mikey/Ray)Where stories live. Discover now