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This one is extremely short. But I wanted to show that Frank may be a hard rocker, but he has doubts about himself. This is so slightly Frerard if you squint, but don't worry, the next chapter and the one after it will actually trigger the Frerard vibe.

Gerard's POV

So, okay, guess what? You know our talents? Well, they got noticed, VERY noticed. We started writing random songs, trying them out and ending up loving them. Apparently when we are in the music room, nearly everyone passes, but if they like what they hear, they'd look through the window and listen. They reported to every single teacher, every single student, and now we were totally popular. Unfortunately for Mikey, he still got bullied bad. But we managed to keep him alive, I can't say the same about the bullies.....

Anyway, you know what's so epic? After one month, only one month, we had done twenty performances, hosted eighteen parties, written thirty five songs, and we finally got noticed. Cause guess what? WE'RE GUNNA GO ON TOUR!!!!!!!!! Isn't that just the best? We got a manager, who made me lead vocalist, Frank the lead guitarist with Ray, Mikey as the bassist, and Bob as the drummer. We all enjoyed what we did, and just, well, let ourselves go on the stage.

So we are ready to go on tour, we have everything planned. It's gunna be so cool.

"Gee?" Frank asked weakly.

I turned my head to see Frankie so torn. I jumped up immediately and rushed over to him, placing a comforting - well I hope it was comforting- arm around my best mate. He snuggled into my chest, crying softly. I was broken, because Frankie was. Out of God knows how long we've known each other. This is his worst state I have ever seen. His hair is all over the place, his eyes are as red as vibrant blood, his cheeks weren't pale, they were red, flustered. I had no idea what to even say. This was my best mate, and I had no way of comforting him, great guy I am(!)

"Can I do it?" he muffled. I tilted my head slightly, trying to understand his mumbles. I heard enough.

"Frank, look at me, of course you can do it. You're the hardest rocker that I have ever seen, and the best guitarist by miles. You're not nervous, so standing on the stage will be easy for you. And even if that is hard, just get lost in the music, it'll calm you," I told him. He nodded into my chest.

"Gerard?" he asked, slightly happier.


"Did you see their faces when you sang?" he finished, laughing properly like his old self again. I laughed with him. Their faces were amusing. They had no idea that I could sing, not even Mikey.

"Yeah I did. I had to try and not laugh," I say, smirking. He smirked right back at me, his mischievous grin appearing.

"How in the world can you sing that good? And yet you can't talk to hardly anyone, you don't even reply to your mother," he challenged. I fold my arms and give his stare right back at him.

"So what if I can sing? At least I don't go around playing air guitars," I strike back. His face scrunched and he playfully dived on me. We attacked each other like children. And as soon as we were getting off of each other, we heard a scream in pleasure. We turn our heads to Ray, who was completely giddy.


"Alrighty! Let me get my make-up!" Frank smiled. He ran out of the room. Ray's face was filled with horror. He edged closer to me, his face still tortured.

"H-He, wears make-up?" he gulped. I stare at him before busting into fits of laughter.

"It's stage make-up, Ray, calm down. And plus, he'll only put eye-liner on though, and make his eyes look red. That's what I do, if you haven't noticed," I teased.

He looked at me, and then his eyes widened.

"I never noticed that before," he muttered.

"Noticed what?" I ask, reaching for my sheets of music.

"That you wear eye-liner, do you wear it everyday?" he asks.

"Well no freakin' duh!" I said, making him more confused. I stand up as Bob and Frank entered.

"Hey, where's Mikey?" I ask suddenly realising the absence of my brother.

"Oh, Mike, he'll be on the bus later, he texted me. He got delayed. Don't worry, the tour bus doesn't actually leave until tomorrow. He'll be there before night by far. We might as well get all of our stuff and load them onto the bus," Ray informed me. I nodded.

It took half an hour, but we had everything ready. I was giddy as I sat on my bed, Frank next to me.

I couldn't wait until we perform. I mean, this is an oppertunity of a life time. I can't pass up on this.

Famous Last Words! (Frerard fic, also a bit of Mikey/Ray)Where stories live. Discover now