Life and Death

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Nathan Wagner - Love


"When a Princess of Life

stumbles into a Kingdom of Death

Does she kneel before it's king?

Or demand her throne?"


" And when a Lord of Darkness

lays eyes on a Lady of light,

Does he turn away,

or fall at her feet? "


|-" Be not afraid, Child of Light."-|

Mira craves for the world beyond the stone walls of the Sky Castle, out from under watchful eyes, but as the youngest daughter of the High King, the opportunity doesn't exist for her. Enemies lurk in every shadow, some she'll soon find, even with the faces of those closest to her.

As signs of an ancient enemy's awakening start to appear and being one of the only ones with the power to put a stop to them, Mira will find herself forced to go farther than anyone has in eons, beyond the stone walls and beyond the mountains to a place where even the light of life she has come to cherish has ceased to exist, where she'll come face to face with Death himself.

" When Life Meets Death, the world will tremble."

Life and Death (Book 1 of the Mergence Series)Where stories live. Discover now