Wei Ying Warning

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During the banquet at NeverNight everyone begin to talk about what happen earlier. 'Flute sound, saving the innocent Wen, only Wei Ying could have done that. But where are you? Why won't you show yourself to me?'

"Who is this person? Why are they taken the Wen clan away? And where did they take them? Doesn't this person know that the Wen clan can't be left alone." Lan Zhan is listen to what Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan is saying, 'this person, whoever they are, they are saving the Wen clan but the Jin clan want to kill them and treat them like prisoner.'

Lan Zhan can't stand sitting in that place anymore, he went over to where Lan Xichen is at, "Xiong zhang, I'm heading back to Gusu first." Before Lan Xichen can said anything else, Lan Zhan already left from there.

Lan Zhan doesn't know that Wei Ying is nearby, he is observing the Jin clan. Ever since he help Wen Qing and her family to settle in a new place, Wei Ying decide to observe the Jin clan especially Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan he know that they can't be trusted.

When Lan Zhan is far from NeverNight, Wei Ying appear behind him, "Hanguang Jun." Lan Zhan turn around to look at the person standing behind him, "Is you. What are you doing here?"

"I come to warn you about Jin Guangshan and Jin Guangyao.  Tell your brother Zewu Jun not to trust Jin Guangyao. He is up to something."

"Up to something?" Wei Ying nodded his head, "like what?" Lan Zhan asked Wei Ying.

"He is in search of me. They want to find the person who control the puppet during the fight at NeverNight."

"That was you?" Wei Ying nodded his head again. "Also, make sure that Jin Guangshan doesn't become Xiandu. He will abuse this power, tell Zewu Jun and Chifeng Zun to not pick Jin Guangshan. Let either Zewu Jun or Chifeng Zunto become Xiandu, if they don't want to then let no one become Xiandu."

"How come you know so much?" Wei Ying is quiet surprise to hear so many word coming from Lan Zhan, "I have been observing them. Especially Jin Guangshan, he want power, and he is one greedy sect leader."

"But Xiong zhang won't listen to me."

'Oh Lan Zhan,' "tell him the truth. Jin Guangyao is just his sworn brother, your his real brother. He shouldn't trust Jin Guangyao over his real brother, be open about your feelings Hanguang Jun."


Wei Ying smile from behind his mask, as he turn around to leave Lan Zhan stop him by asking, "Wait, do you know where Wei Wuxian is at?"

Wei Ying turn around to look at Lan Zhan, "Wei Wuxian? What is he to you?"

"He my friend," 'no, he more then a friend. I can't even tell Wei Ying my true feeling.'

"Are you sure he just a friend?" Wei Ying can see Lan Zhan ear turning red. 'Lan Zhan Ah Lan Zhan, you can't hide your feeling.'

"No, he not just a friend. He my soulmate, my cultivation partner, and I want to tell Wei Ying that I love him. But I don't know where he is at."

Wei Ying smile become bigger and brighter from behind his mask, 'don't worry Lan Zhan. I will show myself soon but not soon enough. I am just happy that you finally realize your feeling for me,' "don't worry, Wei Wuxian will show himself somehow. But for now, warn your brother first."

"Mn." Wei Ying vanish from there leaving a dark mist behind.

Once Lan Zhan return back to Cloud Recesse, he waited for Lan Xichen to come back from the banquet in NeverNight. Two days later, Lan Xichen came back. "Wangji," lan Zhan is waiting for Lan Xichen in front of his room.

"Xiong zhang, there something I need to talk to you about. I need you to believe in me, I am your didi after all right?" Lan Xichen is surprise and shock to hear his didi say so much word in one sentence.

"Alright, come inside."

When the two is inside of Lan Xichen room, he got tea ready for them, "what is it that you want to talk to me about, Wangji?"

"Xiong zhang, the person who save the Wen clan he want me to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"He want me to tell you not to trust Jin Guangyao. Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan is planning to find him,  they want to know how he was able to control Wen Rouhan puppet. I agree with him, you shouldn't trust Jin Guangyao at all."

"Wangji, you believe him?"

"Even though I don't know him and don't know who he is, I trust him. He want me to let you know that we shouldn't let Jin Guangshan become the next Xiandu, he will abuse this power if he take the title of his excellency. It is either you or Chifeng Zun take the title or no one take it at all."

"This sure is important decision. It is true that I don't trust Jin Guangshan but why are you asking me not to trust A-Yao? He is my sworn brother."

"Xiong zhang, even if he is your sworn brother, you still can't trust him. Even if he help us with rebuilding our clan but what do you know about him? How long have you know him? What happen if he do something to betray your trust or what is he use you for his own good?"

"Wangji!" Lan Xichen is angry at how his didi doesn't trust in Jin Guangyao, his own sworn brother.

"Xiong zhang, do you trust and believe someone else over your own brother?" Lan Zhan asked with a serious tone in his voice. "What if someday? Somehow? He show his true self? How will you react to him betraying you, Xiong zhang?"

Lan Xichen understand what his didi mean, "I understand. I will keep in mind what you said to me today. I won't trust anyone else over my own family member."

'I'm glad he understand. He too kind for his own good, I don't want Xiong zhang to get hurt by Jin Guangyao.' "Then I will head back to my room," Lan Zhan got up, he gave a bow and left his brother room.

'I hope you will make the right decision Xiong zhang, it is for your own good.'

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