Smart Lair

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In the lair the turtles and Lizzie were acting out a scene from a lou jitsu movie

Mikey and Leo: We are mummies give us your soul

Donnie: Help me Lou Jitsu

Lizzie: you are our only hope!

Raph: who's your daddy mummies?

Raph tackled mikey and Leo

Donnie: Man I never get to be a mummy

Lizzie: we can always act out a different movie

Donnie: but this is one of my favorites

Mikey: Fine be the mummy if you beat Tazan the mummy king!

Splinter sat on the couch

Splinter: Where do you think you four are going?

Mikey: A rooftop showing off the rate Lou Jitsu meets the mummy ninja

Leo: after that me and Lizzie are getting pizza for our next date

Splinter: Let me know how it is after you go some other time because tonight you all stay in and clean!

Donnie: No the classic pause followed by a rug foiled out plans! I hate those

Lizzie: I don't even live here and besides I already do chores at my own home

Leo: exactly and pops we cleaned last year

Lizzie: last year?

Raph: yeah plus it ain't even dirty

The entire room was filthy and probably so was the whole lair

Leo: Uh we should find the turtles and cat who did that and get them to clean up

Lizzie: hey I don't make the messes! Again i don't even live here!

Mikey: Now we're going to miss the movie!

Lizzie and Leo: and my date! Wait we're speaking at the same time! She cells seashells by the sea shore antidisestablishmentarianism! whoa!

Donnie: are you both done?

Lizzie and Leo: yeah sorry

Donnie: good because I have a-

Leo: Please don't say fix bro

Donnie: A fix bro

Leo: We'll be here all night fixing your fix

Donnie:Scoff prepare to-

Raph: and don't say eateth thy words

Donnie: Eateth thy words

Raph: You always say that but we never do

Lizzie: eateth isn't even a word

Leo took Donnie's remote

Donnie: Not amusing Leo!

Leo: Relax bud just saving you from another epic fail It's all good

Lizzie: I say we give Donnie a chance even though this might not go well

Donnie took the remote back

Donnie: thank you Lizzie despite your juvenile antics and complete lack of faith I give you all Shelldon

A flouting robot head came out of Donnie's battle shell

Sheldon: Good morrow kind sirs and madam

Lizzie: well a least it's polite

Donnie: actually Sheldon goes by he/him pronouns

Lizzie: Oh right! Sorry Sheldon

Sheldon: it's alright Elizabeth

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