Origami Tsunami

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Lizzie was in her room watching TV when her mystic phone and saw it was Leo calling her so she answered it

Lizzie: Hey Leo! What's up?

Leo (on the phone): hey Lizzie! Me and my bros are about to catch some paper thieves. Do you want to be apart of the action?

Lizzie: sure! Just tell me where you are and I'll be right there!

Leo (on the phone): you got it!

Lizzie hung up and grabbed her scythe

Lizzie: mom I'm going out for a while!

Alexa: ok but answer me when I call you.

Lizzie: I will!

Lizzie left her home and headed for New York


Lizzie met the turtles on a roof of a building

Lizzie: hey guys! So any more details on the paper thieves?

Raph: No and what kind of weirdo steels paper anyway?

Mikey: a dreamer! You look at a blank sheet of paper and see nothing they see possibles!

Donnie: There's only one store they haven't hit yet and it is right over there

He pointed to the paper store across the street

Donnie: that's convenient.

Raph: How about we go stealth and make them wish they stole toilet paper instead?

Lizzie: that should be easy for me. I have night vision

Mikey: you do?! That's so cool!

Donnie: it's common for cats to see in the dark. Let me guess you always land on your feet and you can't swim

Lizzie: I also have eight lives.

She was the first one to go into the action

Leo: she's so cool...


The turtles followed Lizzie into the alleyway where the paper thieves are. She didn't do anything until they got there

Raph: Leo Donnie go left. Mikey and Lizzie go right.  I'll take the roof and jump down like a boss!

Lizzie and Mikey went to attack the thieves but only bumped into Leo and Donnie. Then Raph jumped off the building and landed on top of them letting the paper thieves get away

Donnie: quick question. Did we seriously just get tricked by paper thieves?

Lizzie: yes. Yes we did. I didn't even get to use my new scythe

Mikey: this seemed like a really cool idea until we didn't succeed at it.

Leo: We can still catch these lame old paper crooks and be heroes!

Lizzie: I like your positivity Leo!

Leo: *blushes* thanks Lizzie

Donnie: it's gonna be hard to catch them because this was the last paper store in town

Leo: or was it

Donnie: yeah I literally just said that


The five of them make a fake paper store out of cardboard and used salami as paper. They all go inside the fake store

Mikey: it's beautiful

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