Mind Meld

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At night the turtles and Lizzie were each in different areas at April's school

Donnie: This is Purple Knight. Is everyone in position?

Raph: Red King is set

Lizzie: wild cat is ready

Mikey: Mikey is in position.

Leo: hold on why does Mikey get to use his real name at his code name?

Donnie: He doesn't. Orange Pond please use your-

Mikey: What? Why am I the pond?

Lizzie: shouldn't his code name be something cooler?

Leo: I'm changing my code name to Blue Bluey. No blue... uh-

Donnie: No one is changing their code names! Please everybody just pay attention. We are dealing with the Purple Dragons. Evil villainous hackers. Now they have the dragon's tooth

Mikey: Uh double checking it is a real dragon's tooth right?

Donnie: no it is not because Dragons nor their teeth are real

Lizzie: actually dragons are real. They live in the hidden city. I've seen a few

Leo: no way! Liz you have to get picture of one and show us!

Lizzie: sure!

Donnie: as I was saying the dragons tooth is a piece of technology so powerful that if it falls into their hands we could be looking at something apocalyptic. That is why everyone needs to be ready. The purple dragons are serious and-

Donnie heard Raph fall and hit the ground

Donnie: Red King report. Are you okay? Are you okay?

Raph: Not really. There's a pigeon with pizza in its mouth. It's a pizza pigeon! I got to get it for my social bro

Leo: Pizza Pigeon? Awesome!

Lizzie: I have to see that in person!

Mikey: We're gonna be internet famous! You've gotta get that picture Raph

Raph: I'm trying!

Lizzie: don't move I'll be right there!

Leo: me to your terrible at taking pictures raph

Donnie: no! All of you stay where you are! *sighs* looks like while have to handle this ourselves

Sheldon flew up to Donnie

Donnie: cyber bishop plan B

Leo: see that is a cool code name

Lizzie: I've thought about it and can I change mine?

Donnie: No!


Donnie broke into the tech room and brought mikey with him. The dragons tooth was right in front of them

Mikey: hey there it is!

Donie: mikey don't-!

Mikey walked through a laser and the alarm went off

Lizzie (on the phone): is everything ok over there? I heard the alarm

Donnie: no! Orange pod and purple knight are in check. We need back up!

Raph (on the phone): on it!

Leo (on the phone): pizza pigeon!

Lizzie (on the phone): get the picture before it flies away!

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