Mascot Melee

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In Times Square Raph was wearing a hippo costume to bled in with all the other mascots. Leo Donnie mikey and Lizzie were in the turtle tank

Raph (on communicator): What's the word? Am I clear?

Leo: Looks bueno from here. You are go for Operation let's hope Raph comes back alive.

Raph (on communicator): Stop calling it that.

Lizzie: I'm not to worried about it. Even if Raph takes the costume off people will still think he's a mascot

Leo: good point

Donnie: A first ever exploratory in daylight. They are gonna name sewer grates after you pal.

Raph (on communicator): I fit right in with all the mascots. This hippo suit works great in Times Square.

Mikey: Totally. But for the record I still think my trench coat idea would've worked.

Lizzie: that sounds familiar...

Leo saw the clothes store nearby

Leo: there's the store

Mikey: Go get Splinter's birthday gift. Our eyes depend on it.

Lizzie: what do you mean?

Leo: dad's rope ripped and now we can see his underwear!

Lizzie: I'm so glad I wasn't there to see that!


Raph made his way through the crowd

Raph: Close. This is so cool. The first turtle to ever skate thought a crowd totally unnoticed and his name is Raph

Leo (on communicator): You got this bud. Now go get that robe our night terrors end today.

Lizzie (on communicator): I do NOT want to see splinter in his underwear!

Raph: Don't worry I got my wallet

He checked his pocket but he lost his wallet

Raph: What? Oh no... Where's my wallet?

Donnie (on communicator): Did he just say he lost his wallet?

Raph: No!

Donnie (on communicator): You totally did lose it!

Raph: stop talking!

Raph bumped into someone and his hippo head fell off but no one was scared then Two girls walked up to Raph

Sophie: hi! Can we get a picture with you? Your meme is hilarious!

Raph: uh yes that meme! What meme?

Sophie pointed to the meme she was talking about on the giant screen

Raph: yes! I'm that! There's nothing else in the world I could possibly be

Kim and Sophie took a picture with Raph and Kim gave him 5 dollars. Someone else walked up to them

Rebecca: Sophie Kim what's taking you so long? we have so much more stuff to do! That meme is dumb anyway

Kim: there's no need to rush Rebecca

Sophie: also it's not dumb. I love turtles

The three of them walked away

Raph: uh excuse me but you misplace your five dollar bill directly into my palm

Leo (on communicator): Roll with if bud. She payed you for the picture. Keep working the crowd and maybe you can get back all of our money you lost.

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