War And Pizza

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Lizzie was at home watching the battle nexus on a Mystic orb when her phone rang and saw it was Leo calling her so she answered it.

Lizzie: hey Leo! What's up?

Leo (on the phone): me and my bros are going to help april with her new job! What to come? I'll text you the address.

Lizzie: yes! I'll be right there!

Leo (on the phone): great! See you later!

Lizzie hung up and was about to leave when her mom stopped her

Alexa: where do you think your going?

Lizzie: me and the turtles are going to help april with her new job. I'll be back soon

Alexa: alright but come back home when I call you.

Lizzie: I will. You can stop worrying about me

Lizzie left her house and went to New York


Meanwhile the turtles and Lizzie arrived at Albearto's Pizzeria.

Raph: Fixers in the house here to save the day!

Lizzie: your worries are over!

April: That was fast but I just needed Donnie.

Raph: we know we just came for the free pizza. remember blend in like your a robot

The turtles acted like robots and Lizzie put on a gray hoodie to hide her cat ears and tail

Lizzie: see? Now I'm a normal human

April: thanks Liz. So Donnie hopefully this will be a quick fix

April saw Donnie working on Albearto who was completely taken apart

April: Or a total tear down. That works to I guess

Lizzie peaks behind the curtain in see's all kids fighting

Lizzie: hey April who's watching the kids?

April: me. Why do you ask?

Lizzie: because they're out of control.

April: oh no...

Donnie: And short circuiting Albearto's-

April: That's enough. I just need him to sing Happy Birthday and quiet the kids down so I don't get fired

Donnie: sure he could just sing it or he could dazzle!

Lizzie: what if someone else sings happy birthday?

Donnie finished rebuilding Albearto

Donnie: there's no need because he might end up being the greatest entertainer robot of his generation! Now to sync him to my remote and it's show time!

Donnie turned Albearto on and the robot stood up

Albearto: hello kids!

April Yeah let's go give Timmy the best Albearto birthday ever!

Lizzie: is it me or is Albearto kind of creepy?

Donnie: it's just you.

April: you guys ready?

Donnie: yep

April and Lizzie open the curtains and Albearto is ready to sing happy birthday with his robot band

Albearto: hello kids! Hold on to your birthday hats!

Donnie: now for a little guitar solo. You're welcome

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