Kasey - 20th August

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There I was;

Unsolicited opinions and penned up thoughts

Sitting right in the room where I didn't fit in

It's either I was too much or too less

But never was I enough

Until you saw me- no,

You noticed me

I felt like I was just in the right place.

There I was;

Deep and unsaid anxieties about who knows and who says

Afraid that my secrets get spilled out 

Just like the red ink on my heart-shaped pages

Wearing your hoodie and bowing down while I'm on my way to you

Because you can't be seen with me

You can't let them know that you love me.

There I was;

Getting unimaginable hatred and anger

They say I'm a homewrecker without knowing the truth

Still I risk everything to be with you

I sacrificed everything because only in you

Only in you could I see contentment

Until you told me

"Oh, Kasey, if only you see yourself in my eyes."

There I was;

Shattering like fragile glass in a million pieces

When you went to her house

And you didn't tell me

You said it was over with her,

I thought it was over with her

And then it was

It was over but with us.

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