Coffee - 20th May

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I drink my coffee in the morning black

With only little sugar

Just like when you showed up at that door

With flowers of my favorite colors

And said that it didn't mean anything;

It was bittersweet.

I drink my coffee in the morning every day

Even if I know I'm not pathologically allowed to

That's the thing about forbidden things

It gives the tickle and angst I so love

Just like how I'm still in love when I'm not supposed to be;

It's dangerous.

I drink my coffee in the morning with sighs of longing

There are papers of regret, then lonely sentiments

And when I was just about to fall

Into the depths of your indecisive love

I'm stuck, the stiffened sugar glued to my feet;

I can't get out.

I drink my coffee in the morning black with little sugar every day

With sighs of longing, papers of regret, then lonely sentiments

And my daily morning coffees taste just like you.

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