The First One After That

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"How are you?"

I've been doing good

I got a new hobby and it's really helping me out

Did I see you at my laundry place the other day?

Oh, okay, sorry

It's weird because I saw someone who looks exactly like you when I picked up my load.


Yeah, okay, sure!

That was our place

No, it didn't mean anything!

I just meant to say we always had our dinner dates there

Well, you always insisted because you love their steak

Okay, fine, maybe we did it for each other because we both love their steak

I miss them too.

Oh, you'll bring your girlfriend...

Yeah, no! It's alright

A double date? I don't even have someone to bring

Oh, you don't need to set me up!

I'm really contented being single for now, I love it

Yup, I'm sure.

Listen, it's getting late and I'm expected to be somewhere else so I need to go 

No, you didn't say something, okay?

I'll be there, and please don't set me up

Call me

Okay, bye.

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