Dealing With Gemini..

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- Be as upfront with a Gemini as possible. Leaving them to assume what's on your mind or how you're feeling is something they'd prefer NOT to do.

- They go back and forth a lot in their decisions, usually liking something one minute and then hating it the next. Their "dual personality" conflicts which can be frustrating at times, but it's something anyone who wants to be in their life will have to understand. It's nothing personal.

- They may talk but getting them to open up about their core feelings doesn't come as naturally as casual or lighter conversations. It's important to pay attention to their moods and ask questions to probe them a little.

- Being flirty or charming is something they're just inclined to be...sometimes. But if you have a strong, solid relationship with a Gemini, you don't have to worry about them straying.

- Don't even think about trying to hide something from them, they will find out!

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