Dealing With Pisces.

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- A key thing to remember is that Pisces treat people how people treat them. They don't set out to be cruel to anyone but if that's what they're receiving from you, you will get that back. It's not because they're catty, it's because they believe if you can dish it, you can take it. Show them love and they'll shower you with it right back.

- They will have moments when they're captivated by feelings but are not sure what exactly is it that they're feeling. It can put them in a space where they just want to be left alone to analyze. Give that to them. They usually snap out of it quickly.

- Pisces need encouragement and look to those they love for it. Doesn't have to be overkill, a little goes a long way. They tend to deal with an inferior complex that weighs heavy on them from time to time. Supporting them shows they're doing something right.

- Believing what you say just because it may sound good doesn't apply to Pisces. Their intuition is always on 1000, so things have to either make sense for them to believe it or they have to have that gut feeling.

- Do they have a temper? Yes. They're easily annoyed by disrespect. Someone bumping them in the street without saying "excuse me" or someone belittling them are just a few examples of things that make them boil. Their mouth can get very reckless if you push them to that point. You don't want to feel the wrath.

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