TMA || 13

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Jonathan ended up dragging me to the restaurant that had him ever so excited. I wont lie though; they do serve the best prawns I've had by far. By the time we were fed, Jonathan couldn't have looked any more satisfied.

"So, how do you know my fiancé?" I asked him.

"For someone so detached, you're very possessive," he smirked.

"Of course I am. He's my fiancé, and I've already admitted my feelings to you about him," I argued.

"Calm down feisty pants," he chuckled.

"Just tell me what I want to know," I mumbled.

"Well, Ambrosi and I go way back actually. For whatever reason, he still denies the truth in that we are the bestest of friends. From the fact that you're his fiancée, I'm going on a limb here by guessing that he told you about Ralph. Well, the three of us went to the same boarding school for boys, and after an incident, the three of us were expelled when we were fifteen. Anyway, we're best friends and yeah," he ended on an awkward note.

"You hit on me knowing who I was?" I asked, a bit appalled.

"I'm shocked you'd think so lowly of me," he glared at me.

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

"I didn't know who you are until you told me. Ever since Ralph passed, Ambrosi hasn't been the most open person as he feels like the entire world is against him. He's practically barricaded himself from everyone. I found out that he was engaged from Fabius, but Fabius hadn't exactly said whom Ambrosi was engaged to. When I met you on the plane, I honest to God had no idea who you are, hence me turning off the charm the moment I found out. That's also why I attached myself to you so quickly. A part of me wanted to make sure that Ambrosi wasn't getting into bed with a snake as my best friend doesn't open up to just anyone, so I wanted to get to know you better," he explained.

"And?" I curiously enquired.

"And I'm still sitting here with you, aren't I?" he smiled.

"I'm actually shocked by what you've just revealed," I admitted.

"He made you believe that he has no friends or family right?" he asked knowingly, to which I nodded.

"That's just his way of making sure no-one gets close to him again. He didn't take Ralph's death well, and being blamed for it doesn't make things any better for him," he replied.

"But why was he blamed for it?" I asked.

"The fact that you don't know the answer to that question means that he is yet to spill his own demons to you, and quite frankly, he's the only one who is allowed to do that. I'm sorry, but you both have to be honest with each other at some point," he gave a sympathetic smile.

"I guess that's fair. I just don't want to lose him," I said more to myself than him. He stood up suddenly.

"Up you go! We didn't come here to sulk!" he said as he signalled for the waiter to bring the bill.

"I'm tired Jono. Can't we start the adventure tomorrow?" I pouted.

"You're not tired Aretha. You're just afraid of the adventure I have planned," he deadpanned.

"For today I am," I told him honestly.

"Fine! I guess you can enjoy the leisure of the hotel for today, but tomorrow we begin the adventure," he warned.

"Thank you," I hugged him.

We walked back to the hotel and parted ways, with him heading to the hotel casino instead. I headed to my room and took a much needed bath. When I was done, I ordered in and settled into the room, being one with my thoughts.

The Maestri Amour (Wattys 2015) - ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now