Sink or Swim

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Allison, during ten weeks of taking care of Buck, and taking pictures for the Fire Marshal and the Police Department

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Allison, during ten weeks of taking care of Buck, and taking pictures for the Fire Marshal and the Police Department. She was exhausted. Letting out a small yawn, she looks around and saw the Fire Department finishing up their job and began heading out. Buck was at home, sulking about everything that has happened.

She's tried to help and make him happy and get him to go out with her but it didn't work. Every attempt that was made: failed. Allison decided she needed to back away for a little bit and give him his space while she went and did her job.

Allison kind of gave up on making him happy or at least, perking him up after everything that has happened. Sure, they're dating now and he's made her the happiest she's ever been.

Letting out a small sigh, she walks to the pier and looks out into the ocean, it was nice. The ocean air smelt amazing and calming. She then turns around and begins walking towards the fair happening at the pier.

She then saw two familiar people walking in and she smiles when she recognizes them. Allison begins walking toward them and they look around to figure out what they wanted to do. Allison then stopped when Christopher saw her and a huge smile appeared on his face.

"Ali!" Christopher laughs as he quickly goes to her. Allison walks to him and gently hugs him when they make it to one another. "Are you gonna hang out with us?"

Allison looks at Buck who looks at her with a puppy look making her giggle and she looks back at him. She giggles quietly again and looks at Christopher.

"I don't see why I can't." She tells him making him giggle.

They smile and begin going to the pier and going on rides. They were laughing on one ride and she giggles when she stays off one of the rides, she grabs her phone and begins taking pictures of them, keeping them for herself.

She was happy to have the rest of the day off, luckily she left her camera in her car a ways away from the pier. Allison then walked with them to get something to eat. They ate some burgers, and fries and got some smoothies and when they were talking they were having fun and laughing.

They then began walking again to find more rides after they digested their food. Allison was smiling as the two went on another ride together as they took more pictures; she would rather take pictures than be on rides. Either way, they were all having fun.

After walking a little more and going to sit on the bench, Buck was holding Christopher while he stood, and they were talking. Allison was looking through her phone and sent pictures to Eddie to show they were all having fun. Buck glances at Allison and then toward Christopher.

"Where did all the water go?"

Allison's eyes widen and she freezes as does Buck while they both look back and everyone was confused about where the water went. Allison and Buck slowly stand up and glance at one another and then back to the water. Allison's heart was pounding against her chest, no... not today... her ears begin ringing loudly in her head

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