Mr. Doctor - chapter 1

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It's been a week since I started as an intern in the paediatric nutrition department. I love my work interacting with kids being the best part. The joy I feel when I bring smile on their lips brightens and lightens my soul. And since I have started, I haven't regrated a day waking up and walking into the very famous Rainbow hospital. I had always had a thing for medical no matter how I am proud to be a part of it now.

"Miss Eve" the little Sam calls me as I write down his today's menu chart. He is a 9-year-old, a very specially child. Had his first spinal surgery and God he brought tears to my eyes the other day when he complained about his pain, thought I was a doctor and asked to make him feel better well I could not do much in that field but I made sure to put a smile on his face ever since.

"Ms. Eve"

"Yes, Sam" I turn to him with a smile

"I want to go home"

I go sit beside him he has been telling me that every day and it breaks my heart every time I hear it.

"And very soon you will. You're getting strong day by day. Because you're finishing your plate and being a good boy, are you not?"

"Yes, and I am listening to Dr. Adam too and taking my medicine on time" he smiles brightly.

"Yes, see now in no time you'll be healthy and out"

"But... I miss my dog" he says with a sad pout.

"I think we could do something about that" I know I am going to be so dead if someone finds out but it's for Sam.

He looks at me with those hope full eyes.

"Okay now close your eyes and at a count 10 I have a little surprise for you"

He moves his head eagerly and shuts his eyes.

I quickly ask Sam's dad to bring Baymax inside. Well, I know it's against the rule but we somehow sneaked him in. Sam had been missing him and I am sure he will be overjoyed to see his dog since I know he isn't going home anytime soon.

"8, 9, 10 and surprise" we wispier scream.

His hands fly to his mouth and eyes almost fall out as his dog jumps up and down, Sam weakly hugs his dog who is equally joyed to see his owner he licks him all over. Thankfully he is not barking. It's like he knows not to. We soon need to get him out but this moment the smile it has my hart warm I soon take out my phone and ask them to pose for me. As soon as the shutters click, we have a knock on the door and my heart stops. Shit, who could that be? Then a hushed voice calls out.

"We need to get him out quick Dr. Adam is about to come" Elisha calls out.

"Sam" I say

"I know" he hugs his dog once more

We quickly and quietly take Baymax out as we brought him in.

"Thank you, thank you thank you so much Ms. Eve" he says tears sparkling in his eyes I hold him near to comfort him.

Moments later walks in the very famous Dr. Adam grey haired in his fifties short and totally boring. Well screw me he is not. Raven black hair, tall very tall at least comparing to me, he must be 6''1', Hot, handsome and sexy as sin. He is everything I could not have thought of. He has me staring as at him as he take his place right in front of me and looks directly in my eyes his black ones holding captive my hazel. I know I need to move so he can examine Sam. But I think I am incapable of mobility right now.

Thankfully Sam is still holding onto my hand and give it a little thug which brings me back to me back to reality. I try to move but then Sam holds on. I give Dr. Adam a weak smile and introduce myself

"Good morning Dr. Adam I am Eve. I am the new intern in nutrition and diatics department"

He offers me a nod barely visible as he proceeds to read Sam's charts. Arrogant I may say but I don't know this man so can't judge.

"Hey Sam, I'll see you tomorrow" I say anything to leave I don't know why but the presence of Dr. Adam is doing something to me and it does not feel right.

"No..." he protests "pleas Ms. Eve stay. Dr. Adam can she stay, please" he looks from me to the man who is giving me a cardiac arrest just by existing.

Dr. AdamsAdam look from Sam to me I offer him a weak smile.

"No problem" he says two words in whole and I love the way he sounds

While I still hold Sam's hand Dr. Adam reaches out to check his vitals his fingers brush mine and I swear I feel electric current run through me. Trying my best to not react I stand there like a stone until Dr. Adam leaves, everything in between a blur.

I kiss my fingers and place it on Sam's cheeks he does the same a simple gesture to show him that he will always be loved then say my good byes to his mother and deliver the menu cards to the hospital kitchen and go about my daily work.

I can't pin point exactly what but the atmosphere seems changed today, I have been working for past one week but today it feels different. Yes, more than half of female staff has been talking about the return of the great Dr. Adam including Elisha who has been googling him and letting on the info. I think by now I know everything about him, even more than he does about himself. And after hearing everything one could not be blamed to conclude that he is one successful, arrogant and a handsome bas**** okay very handsome one, but I think there is more to him more than the world sees every person does and I don't know for some strange reason I want to know the man hidden behind his tough exterior but I also know it's a bad idea and I'll try my best not to execute it... His presence weather I admit or not has brought new energy with it and it fills me with a strange excitement... I am not sure good or bad. And I am not up for discovering I love my profession and this place too much to screw up so avoid anything and everything that includes Dr. Noah Adam.

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