Chapter 3

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We spent the entire day talking about books and authors. He told me he was from Yorkshire, England and that he was twenty-four. He told me he was in a band called 'Asking Alexandria'. "We sing hard core metal" he said "What! Really? I like that type of music" I laughed "Oh my, marry me" He asked, I couldn't help but laugh. I felt my phone vibrate and I took it out, it was a message from angel telling me to go home because dinner was ready. "Hey Ben, I have to go home" I sadly said. He pouted and said "Well at least let me drive you home" he offered "It's okay, I can just walk" He pulled out his phone and it was 10:30 "Your bloody crazy If you think I'm going to let you walk home alone at this time" I laughed at his comment and finally agreed. We walked to the checkup line and he looked at my books "So this I what you like to read about huh?" He said smirking "And how do you know what the books is about hmm?" "Well, I..Rachel I uhh" "I cought youuu" I laughed "Fine you win, I've read the book yes" "HAHA I knew it" I walked up to the cash register and I gave you $26 euros. "Shall we" He asked "We shall" and we walked out of the store

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