A Celebration of Efforts

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Heh, wow, certainly didn't expect this" I chuckle in a low tone of voice, "So, are we going or what?"

"Are you kidding? Of course we're going!" Vaggie replies excitedly.

"Besides, it says that everyone at the hotel is invited and I'm sure most of our patrons haven't ever been to a royal family mansion before in their lives, so this'll be a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them" Charlie adds thoughtfully.

What the princess holds in her hands is none other than a party invitation from her father, Lucifer, himself. According to him, he saw the news, heard about Anthony's redemption, and the sudden influx of new patrons and wanted to throw a party at his mansion to celebrate his daughter's accomplishment.

"How would we manage that, though?" I ponder out loud, "I mean, will your father really be ok with a bunch of sinners in his mansion? And how would we even get them all there?"

"Our patrons wouldn't be here if they were looking to only cause a problem and Dad knows this just as much as I do" Charlie replies patiently, gingerly holding the invitation between her fingers, "As far as getting our patrons to the party, well, we could always use the limo, but perhaps have Razzle and Dazzle make multiple trips since there isn't a lot of room for many people to be in it at once."

"I also think it's better that one of us stays with each group to chaperone them" Vaggie adds.

"Will we be dressing all nice and fancy?!" Niffty exclaims excitedly, having entered the room without us knowing and also having climbed onto my back to look over my shoulder.

"Yes, I think we should" Vaggie chuckles, lightly patting the smaller cyclops's head, "Which means..."

"Clothes shopping!" Charlie and Niffty exclaim in unison, making Vaggie and I both suppress a laugh this time.

"Hehe, such excitement is always entertaining" The tuned voice of Alastor remarks in enjoyment.

The four of us turn towards the front door and see the Radio Demon himself standing against the frame, sipping a cup of tea while not even glancing our way at first. Charlie develops a look of caution while Vaggie's face becomes stern, her fists beginning to clench as Alastor finishes his tea and turns in our direction.

"Mighty fine job at your achievement, my dear. I never thought I'd see such a day, though I've been telling myself that a lot recently" He says to Charlie, then glancing over in my direction, "But I must again thank you, my good man, for ridding both myself and this world of Vox."

"Sure thing, Alastor" I reply nonchalantly.

"And to show my thanks, I'd like to personally offer my help in your selection of a nice suit for this party of Lucifer's. A man must look his best at such an occasion, you know" The Radio Demon continues, slowly walking towards us and putting both Vaggie and Charlie more on-edge, "I know many and would even pay for it as well."

"Is there something you're wanting in return?" I question, narrowing my eyes a little, "You typically do, after all."

"Oh, not right now, I don't think. Perhaps some other time" Alastor answers, stopping near us, "So, what do you say?"

"Sure, thanks" I shrug, Vaggie and Charlie looking at me as if I'm crazy.

"Excellent! Let us go right away, then!" Alastor smiles wider, twirling his staff around while putting his hand on my shoulder, "After all, the celebrations are tonight, so we must not dilly dally!"

"Take your hand off of him you malvado hijo de puta!" Vaggie threatens, her fists fully clenched now.

The red suited overlord merely twists his head in her direction and smirks before looking straight ahead and teleporting us out of the hotel. The two of us reappear in the Cannibal Colony, which I can tell since Niffty and I had been here once before. However, we're now standing in front of a clothes store that I don't recognize. Peering up, I notice the sign says 'Rosie's Emporium', though there are other parts that have been scratched out. Oh, so that lady friend of Alastor's runs a clothing shop, huh? And judging by the sketchy sign, well...at this point I probably shouldn't question it too much. I've been around in Hell long enough not to be surprised by these kinds of things anyway.

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