Dilemma of Loyalties

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Y/N's P.O.V

I splash some water onto my face, using it to rinse the blood off my face. Sighing, I glance down at my clothes, seeing more blood on them, before looking back up and into the mirror. I delivered the food supplies to the chef not five minutes ago and let me tell you he was definitely shocked, though, according to him, he was surprised that I made it back alive and smelled like death. But above all else, he was glad that I got what he needed, so he thanked me and sent me on my merry way. I then went to the laundry room and got a spare outfit after telling the demons there only what they needed to know to let me have one. Now I'm here, the spare outfit folded neatly on the bench in front of the lockers behind me.

I've been replaying the events of today in my head, internally wondering if I made the right call in befriending Cherri Bomb and Angel Dust. One of them is an infamous anarchist fighting against a reigning Overlord and the other is, apparently, a very popular person in the Pride Ring. And given that publicity, who knows what kind of shit I'd get dragged into if I'm caught associating myself with them? But, I don't want to throw it away, not after what I did to gain their trust to begin with. That itself is its own reason for me to pause and think. Could it be that hanging around with those two is going to bring out the worst aspects of myself? It's only a faint theory, but given how easily I went ahead and murdered those mobsters, I'm going to keep that thought close by and see if gets anymore proof behind it.

A small group of servant demons then come walking into the bathroom, chattering among each other in a very gossip-like manner.

"Did you hear about that shootout between Valentino's men and Cherri Bomb?" One of them says in a hushed tone.

"No, I didn't" Another replies, "What happened?".

"She got surrounded, but was able to fight them off all by herself" The first servant incorrectly explains, though I wasn't going to jump in and set the record straight.

"No, no, no, I heard that she had help" A third demon argues, the group passing by me as I shut off the water and go over to the bench where the spare uniform is lying, "And I heard that that pornstar Angel Dust came to her rescue".

"Where did you hear that?" The first demon inquires, the group pausing about six feet away from me while I remove my suit jacket and shirt, putting the fresh ones on as they continue talking.

"I have friends on the street" The third demon clarifies, crossing his arms, "They tell me things that the news doesn't cover and let me know about rumors being spread around right when they're fresh".

"Well, I suppose it isn't too far-fetched" A fourth servant comments, me now changing out of my dress pants into the new ones, "Those two are rather chaotic when they're together".

"I got a question about that, though" The second demon speaks up, "If Angel Dust was helping her, did he know he was offing his boss's men?".

"I'm not sure" The fourth demon answers, me finishing my changing with some new shoes, "But if he did and Valentino has found out by now, well...let's just say that I've heard Valentino is one of the most sadistic beings in all of Hell, so I wouldn't want to be Angel right now".

Wait. Angel works for that scumbag? Oh, no, that certainly isn't good. I hope Angel's involvement in what happened with Cherri hasn't been officially publicized, otherwise these demons will be proven right about what they say will happen to him. 

Standing up, I gather the dirty clothes into my arms and walk out of the room, heading back to my bed. The servant's quarters are practically empty, so I don't see any harm in pulling out my gun and new phone, putting one in my pocket and the other between my mattress and box-spring. Once those are successfully hidden, I head up the stairs leading to the mansion's foyer. I immediately head to the laundry room and put the dirty clothes in the designated hamper, having already done a few shifts there to know how things operate. Ignoring the looks from the demons around me, I leave without ever uttering a word.

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