Instilled Order and New Chaos

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Y/N's P.O.V

"You like what I've done with the place?" Velvet asks, spreading her arms out and gesturing to the office, "Since that prick doesn't need it anymore, I thought a proper amount of remodeling was in order."

Though not of her own volition, Velvet has been given Vox Tower, along with Vox Multimedium, to take over. Apparently it was discussed during the meeting she had to go to yesterday. According to her, the other overlords didn't want to touch the business or the tower with a ten foot pole after Alastor and I killed Vox. So, since Velvet is the only remaining member of the VVV's left, in their minds, they made her take ownership of it. But despite the fact that I recalled her previously saying she didn't want to ever have a business to take care of, since it presented a definite material weakness, Velvet wasn't mad about being forced to adopt the responsibility. She told me that, at first, she wasn't happy about it, but made a connection in her mind that it would better spread her influence as the Social Media Queen and give her even more popularity. So Velvet soon came to revel in the change and had Vox Multimedium become SMQ Industries overnight.

"It might be too soon to say, but some of my financial advisors are predicting that my influence combined with this business will cause repairs to the factory and warehouses to be completed quickly and efficiently. Not to mention that I nixed a number of the working conditions Vox had his employees agree to, so employment should recover fast as well, especially since I made the offer that any former workers of Vox could come back if they wanted to. But that's just the start" My third girlfriend grins victoriously.

What used to be an office area with many TV's and electrical equipment is now being transformed into a sort of bedroom/living room hybrid. The windows have been replaced with standard rectangular patterns to circular ones with a heart shape in the middle and a red tint to the glass. A queen-sized fluffy bed has been placed against the left wall, but there are a number of other changes to the room that are still undergoing construction, like the floor getting replaced with carpet in some areas, the electrical panels in the center of the room now removed and in the process of stair stepped hardwood being implemented, a large pool getting placed where Vox's desk used to be, a bar partially built on the right side of the room with a fridge, oven, and desk for potion making, and a fireplace with digital flames, that'll still function like a regular fireplace, place in the wall behind the pool. From what Velvet has told me, this entire place will still have more renovations coming even after the current ones are done within the week. She looks quite cute when eagerly talking about all the changes she's making, like a kid in a candy store with a blank check to spend.

"They're also going to be giving me Voxtagram, but I was thinking of changing the name know" She says, smirking, "I've thought of a few potential ideas, the best so far being Velvagram. But I'm still work shopping it since it sounds lazy as fuck right now."

"Well, I'd offer up some suggestions, but that's not my specialty" I reply.

"Don't worry, it's not your problem. I wouldn't ask you to do it, anyway" The overlord replies, casually sitting down on the edge of her bed with her hands on the mattress and her legs crossed in an almost seductive manner, "What I can ask you to do is help me break this bed in, if you have the time~."

"I'm sure I can spare some moments to fulfill your needs" I grin at her, "But not right now."

"Aww, I knew you were going to say that. But a promise is a promise and I'll hold you to it" Velvet grins, being understanding before switching topics, "By the way, I did set up that meeting you were wanting to have with the other overlords.....which we just so happen to be late to, so let's head down and not keep them waiting."

"Agreed" I nod, following her to the elevator.

Since it's only a few floors down, the two of us are back out of the elevator in no time, now walking down the slick and modern looking hallway towards the room. But Velvet isn't done asking her questions just yet.

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