Notice + Bonus

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I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but there was a reason I wasn't very descriptive in this book. That was because I wanted the readers to be able to fit the characters into their own descriptions. In case that annoyed some of you, here are some descriptions to the characters.

Elizabeth: Green eyes, light blonde hair that goes down her back. Pale skin and mostly hourglass build. (Age 22; Human)

Romulus: Hazel (Green-brown) eyes, black shoulder length hair, doesn't have a tan but isn't pale, muscular build. (Can look anywhere from 18-28 [The reason for this is that he was turned at 18 but drank blood for the first time at 28 so he aged but not quite visibly] Vampire.)

Demetrius: Brown eyes, brown-black short hair that is usually slicked back, tan, semi-toned build. (looks 30-35; Vampire)

Charlie: Brown eyes, black hair, very tan, naturally curly hair that reaches to her neck (Charlie normally straightens her hair and straightened, it reaches two inches past her shoulders.)(25; Human)

Caleb: Hetechromia (One eye is blue and the other is brown) Brown curly hair, very pale - has freckles, thin muscled build. (28; Human)

Rueben: Brown eyes, brown hair that looks red in the sunlight (hair is greying) relatively tan in the face. (42; Vampire)

Martha: Amber eyes, black hair, tan skin - has a lot of moles, regular build except she has big hips. (29; Vampire)

Westley: Eyes can appear silver, blue and light brown, hair can range from darker shades of orange to shades of brown, not pale but not tan. (25; Vampire)


As for the timelines, here are the era's that the character's were born in just for a little more information. (Only includes the vampire characters' human lives.)

Demetri: 1875-1905

Romulus: 1900-1918/28

Martha: 1798-1827

Rueben: 1822-1864

Cecilia: 1899-1931

Unfortunately, Westley's will not come out until Book Two does but until then, I hope you all enjoyed the bonus!


However, if you find anything that doesn't line up, please make a comment about it, I really do appreciate all of you reading Til' Death Do Us Part.

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