Chapter Twenty-Five

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    Rome and Elizabeth arrived at the council late that night. Once there, Rome stood in front of Elizabeth as if he was sheltering her from it all. Martha's eyes pierced his own into his soul the second the couple stepped foot through the door. She could smell Rome all over the girl and the girl all over Rome but the thing that pissed her off was that the girl didn't smell human. She smelled like Romulus and she smelled faintly of a human. He'd tampered with a human's life which meant he'd committed taboo and now here he was trying to fix his problems.

     Martha hated men like Rome. Always running from his problems instead of fixing them-she should have killed him when she'd had the chance.

    Martha sat up in front of her peers and gazed at Romulus from her seat; he looked older than he'd been the last time. He must've not completed the transformation until a couple of years down the road, "Romulus Crowell, what has brought you here?"

    "I am only abiding order and law. Elizabeth here has known about" He motioned towards the council, "-this for a few months now and is not willing to pledge any service of blood servant nor blood whore. So I have brought her here, to the council for you all to decide what to do."

    "That's not all. I wouldn't have been surprised if you'd brought your Uncle to get you out of this so it issues the question."

    "Pardon?" Rome squeezed Elizabeth's hand from behind him and she squeezed back.

    "Where is your Dimitri? Could he not make it tonight?" Westley spoke up, looking around, "And who might the lovely maiden be?" Westley stood and lazily walked from behind the desk and in front of it. He extended a hand towards her, motioning for Elizabeth to come closer.

     Rome whispered to Elizabeth, "He's a friend." before he ushered Elizabeth to do as Westley had asked. He'd barely known Westley when he was a child but at that point, he'd already been a Vampire for a century. He was another human Martha had fallen for and turned.

    Elizabeth slowly moved from behind Rome and let go of his hand before walking towards Westley who stood in the middle of the room, his arm still in mid air. Elizabeth took his hand reluctantly before Westley bowed and kissed her hand.

     "It is an honor to be in your presence once again." Westley twirled Elizabeth around before nodding to Romulus to come forwards, "I am very happy that you've managed to find her once again." Westley was the second oldest on the council after Martha-he'd only seen Victoria once at her and Romulus' wedding. He'd never met Elizabeth as far as Rome knew.

    "Uhm. It's an honor to meet you as well." Elizabeth smiled awkwardly, not knowing well of how to tiptoe on the rules. All she knew was that respect was demanded but as far as that went, she knew nothing of the council.

    "It's alright, no need to be so formal." Westley laughed before turning his gance to Romulus who stood beside Elizabeth, in a stance to protect her should anything happen. Westley smiled-he'd experienced that type of love once and he was grateful Rome had found it again. Or so it seemed to him.

    Elizabeth, with a smile and grace shook her head, "There is a need to be formal." She hadn't noticed it, "You're a member of the council-no one is an exception when it comes to respect."

    Martha, Cecilia, and Ruben all grinned. So the girl was smart-if she hadn't said that, the girl wouldn't have lived to say another word.

    Cecilia stood in front of her chair and with a sidewards glance turned her head, "I want to see the girl. What makes her so special?" She walked over and peered into her eyes before she turned to Rome, "Romulus, you know the punishment for your atrocities, correct?"

    "Yes, I do. However, I would not like Elizabeth to be in the room when that happens. I would appreciate if you or any other member could tell me what will happen to Elizabeth?"

    "Whoever suggested that you could ask that question? You could learn a thing or two from that human. You will be silent until we permit you to do or say otherwise." Ruben interjected before snapping to Westley, "And it is your fault for making him think he can do such a frivolous act. Westley, come sit and we will discuss this."

     Westley turned to Ruben and then Martha with a toothy grin, "If you don't get your dog under control, I will kill him. He is new and perhaps you should teach him some rules." He then turned to Elizabeth and Romulus with a smile, "She does look awfully familiar though, however-we have no use of her. I humbly apologize in advance but the best I can do for your partner is to put her in one of our E-Grade Cells. I can have her in the cell alone and make sure she gets meals each day but that is the most I can do for her under the given circumstances. I'm sure you understand Romulus, but you will be punished for what you have committed, I can not give you an exception for that as well. I must stay to my own good name. You two will be given five minutes to say your goodbyes for now. Until then, I will be discussing the rest with the council but Elizabeth?"

     "Yes?" Elizabeth looked to Westley with a shaky intake of breath. She didn't want to cry here until she got into the cell. What had she gotten herself into this time?

     "If you prove that for some reason, you can be useful you will be permitted either a higher grade room or overnight visits. Depending on what you can do but I do look forward to having another member of our Committee." The Committee was a fancy word for the creatures the council held in cells for future use. Creatures taken for any reason at all, stored for safe-keeping.

      Romulus looked at Westley before raising an eyebrow. He was a stickler for rules but also one to not enjoy his boundaries being crossed.


     Grade A

     Grade B

     Grade C

    Grade D

    Grade E

    Grade F

     The order of quality of cells goes from A-F and most cells hold five people as an average. The more useful a person is, the higher grade they get, the less useful they are to the council, the lower grade cell they get. If anyone has any questions, please ask them in the comments!


     Word Count: 1120

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