Chapter Twelve

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    The next outing we went to was a a week later in a small cafe. It was a tiny building a small walk away from the road to leave town and it was nice and peaceful. Tourists usually came to it when passing by which was probably one of the biggest reasons it was still in business aside from it being such a classic.

     When me and Rome arrived, he ordered a double expresso and I, a mocha. The waitress that served our table was really nice and I remembered seeing her once in the college classes when I'd gone at first since it was a more recent decision of mine to do online.

    Rome chuckled after the she left before he took off his hat and put it on the table. He slid it on top of the folded looking pamphlet before turning to look at me.

     I backed up before looking at him kind of confused because I wasn't too sure who he was exactly laughing at, "What are you laughing at?"

    He covered his mouth with another chuckle before telling me, "It's just kind of funny. I don't believe I've ever seen anyone order one of those in real life. They look like they taste nice but I've never been sure. Tell me once you taste it, alright?" Rome wiped his eye with a small smile.

    "Well, I've never gotten one myself but it looked pretty good so I'll tell you but what are you used to people getting?"

     "Most certainly not that." He was amused, I could tell that much easily but it was nice seeing him smile again and even laugh.

    "Then what?"

    Rome looked at the table before realizing I was serious. He took a breath and scootched his chair into the table comfortably, "I'm just used to seeing people get a regular coffee."

    "No milk or creamer?"

    He shook his head.

    "Not even sugar?" I looked at Rome confused. Was I the only person that couldn't handle plain coffee? "The people you know must really like bitter coffee." I frowned at the thought. That damn coffee must be bitter as hell.

    "No sugar. Coffee's just coffee, isn't it? There's nothing too special about it in my opinion."

    "If any of the women that work here heard you, they might not agree with you so much." I said with a small smile before looking out the door at the plants that lined in rows alongside the pavement that led to the glass double doors. The waitresses wouldn't be too happy to hear anyone say that.

    Rome grinned before opening the newspaper he'd had, folded under his hat on the other side of him. He read it intently as I went on my phone to occupy myself while we waited for our orders.

    When our orders did come, I decided to spark up conversation once again, "So, how old are you I guess?" I made a gesture with my hands before I laughed under my breath. It was eerily silent besides an elderly couple in this cafe and I desperately wished to change that. Silence was one thing that I'd never quite favored.

    "I'm nineteen." He said casually with a smile and in his features I could see it but I would have never guessed his age if he'd asked me to. Rome looked more like he was in his late twenties, he had a very broad build and I'd never seen anyone so young who looked like they worked in the gym seriously but then again I was just flat out lazy.

    I nodded before taking a sip of my mocha "It actually tastes amazing but I'm almost twenty-one."

    Rome didn't make any movements except for a subtle nod but I could see his cheeks slightly turn pink as he took a sip of his own drink, "What do you like to do in your spare time, miss?"

    "I sleep? I guess I go to the gym sometimes and I like to read?" I didn't know what to really say, "What do you like to do in your free time?"

    "I go to the gym as well but mainly I just read and I like to crochet. I do watch TV quite often." He chuckled to himself quietly before lowering his voice to a near whisper, "This is awkward."

    "I'm so glad I'm not the only one." I breathed before putting a hand on my chest.

    "Well, we have more than one thing in common then." Rome chuckled, "But do you wanna get out of here cause the waitresses are glarin' at me." He made a face before he commented, "I think they heard what I said earlier."

    I nodded with a smile, "Yeah but where would we go?"

    "Uh-the library?"

    Word Count: 800


I do apologize if there were any inconveniences with the ages I put down, I just realized Elizabeth's age didn't line up with the age that I wrote in Chapter One but it has since been changed so I hope anyone and everyone coming across this book has since liked it!

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