=͟͟͞♡ 15

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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Blue Hour ▬


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The next day

Daeun was out of her cramped apartment for once, roaming the halls of the building she lived in while she made her way up to the rooftop.

She just couldn't take her mind off of what she saw and heard yesterday while she was at the park with Soobin.

The boy currently wasn't with her and had left earlier, stating that there were some things he had to take care of before he could fully settle in with her.

The girl was patiently awaiting for his return for without him she felt like she would crumble if she had to face the world all alone like before.

Soobin's disappearance was due to the events that had taken place yesterday. Soobin had finally made up his mind to speak to Chan to try to convince him to let him take his divine powers away and allow him to be human so he'd be able to properly be with Daeun.

Chan was known to be a very strict head angel but there were times when he'd soften up and Soobin was hoping to take his chances with him.

"Where does he disappear to..?" Daeun's thoughts kept pushing forward while she leaned on the railing of the building, looking down at the view below.

"Thinking about it...I don't really know much about Binnie- he hardly talks about his life or his family...and he just randomly show up and couple months later he's a big part of my life." The girl reminisced with herself quietly. She was slowly being filled with suspicion and anxiety as her thoughts controlled her.

"That's totally weird, right? People don't just do that-"

Daeun was slowly starting to get agitated. She felt like she was suffocating even though she was out in the open on the rooftop. Her body began to tremble subconsciously as she tried to keep her composure and not allow displeasing thoughts to dance in her mind but she was too weak to fight them on her own.

Daeun looked down at the crowded streets below, taking a deep breath before stepping back.

I can do this.

I can do this.

Just breathe, Daeun, breathe.

You're alright.

Everything's okay.

Fuck, this place is suffocating-!

𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫  ꗃ  Choi Soobin Where stories live. Discover now