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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  Blue Hour


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Daeun went into the kitchen, rummaging through each cupboard to look for anything to eat but all that was there was dust. She had nothing to eat. All that was there were a couple of canned cat foods for Orion and nothing else.

"How am I going to buy food? I barely have money for myself...Orion even you're living a more luxurious life than I am." The girl joked sarcastically even though she should be serious. She couldn't help but try to make herself feel less tense to keep herself from flying off the edge.  Joking about her problems to her cat was one way to entertain her.

She scurried along into the living room, picking up her wallet to check if she had money to pay for a decent meal. Upturning the wallet, only couple bills fell out and a few coins.

"1..2..3, ah 3000 won only? God, cat food already cost too much! How am I going to get food for myself??"

Daeun fell back onto the couch, trying to piece together how she'd get back on her feet. I need a job but I'm not in my right mind to work. I have absolutely no energy left...how am I even going to keep this job?

Ding dong!

Ding dong!

The girl's brows furrowed as her head shot straight to the door. Who could that be? She asked herself as she made her way towards the door to see who it was. Her eyes caught glimpse of a middle aged woman along with a little girl standing at the doorway with something in the woman's hands.

What could they want? Are they new?

Daeun quickly wiped her eyes of the tears that had settled there. Her face looked dark and crusty but there was nothing she could do about it. She hesitantly opened the door, politely bowing to the woman to greet her. She smiled weakly at the little girl who only rudely returned a scowl at her.

"Is something wrong?"

"Oh no! Sorry to bother you but I'm new here and well I'm trying to make friends with my neighbors. I brought a slice of cake for you...please accept it!" The woman spoke up kindly, outstretching her hand, handing Daeun a container of the cake in it.

Just as she thanked the woman for the kind gesture and gladly accepted the cake, Orion came by her feet, curiously peeking out between her legs. She didn't pay much attention to the cat since she knew Orion wasn't rabid around strangers.

"Thank you so much!" Daeun continuously thanked the woman for her act of kindness and was about to smile at the little girl but noticed her next to the cat, pulling at its tail aggressively.

"Hey don't—"

Before Daeun could scold the girl for pulling her cat's tail, something had happened which made Orion screech loudly, lifting its paws up, scratching the little girl.

"Did you just kick my cat?!" The 20 year old said through seethed words, glaring at the little girl with wide eyes. The cat purred out in pain before running away from the apartment.

Without waiting for a reaction from the mother or the little girl, Daeun quickly ran after the cat, dropping the cake down without hesitation. She ran through the doors on the first floor and stopped in front of the apartment, endlessly scanning her eyes throughout the ground to look for Orion.

Oh god please...please let him be okay!

The girl was already struck with despair since where she lived was filled with passing cars, motorcycles and bicycles. There was no certainty that the cat would manage to scurry its way through all the traffic of cars and people unharmed.

She didn't give up looking for the cat since it was the last thing that was keeping her alive. She checked every small alleyway for an old black and white cat that had a limp but it was to no avail. Suddenly, she heard gasps coming from the walkway next to her which was over the road.

She didn't waste any time, recklessly crossing the busy street just to make sure it wasn't what she thought it was but when she forced her way through the small crowd of people, her heart dropped upon the sight that befell her.

She fell to her knees, unable to conjure a single word as she watched Orion lying flat on the walkway, unmoving. Hot tears started streaming down her cheeks as she felt her entire body become numb. The cat was just there, dead.

"No no no no..please no." The girl said through her painful cries. Her heart had shattered into millions of pieces as she watched the cat she and her sister cherished dearly lying lifeless on the ground.

"This can't be happening...no no no! You can't-!" Orion please..." she cried out, slamming her hands on the hard concrete ground, not giving a shit about the people around her.

"That person on the bicycle did this. He didn't even stop—"

"It's just a cat. Why is she acting like that?"

"Fucking weirdo."

That cat was the last thing keeping her alive. It was the only thing which was important enough to her. Orion had been with her since she was 3. Areum had taken the cat home after she found it abandoned at the corner of a street. At that time they were with their foster parents who had allowed them to keep it and ever since then they grew up with him. He was a major piece in both of the sisters' lives and now, he was gone in the blink of an eye.

More tears began rolling down her cheeks as she curled up on the floor next to the animal. Her heart couldn't take it. She couldn't look at him. She felt like her world had stopped and that there was nothing else to live for anymore.

"Why is everyone around me dying?!"

"Areum I couldn't even save the fucking cat."

"I couldn't even save you...or mom or dad."

"I have nothing to live for anymore. He's gone. Orion is gone."

The distorted girl lifted her head off the floor, looking at the cat one last time. She really couldn't take it anymore. She picked herself off of the hard floor, pushing her way past the crowds of people. She ran as far as her legs could carry her until she reached an old run down bridge in a secluded place.

She didn't want to be alive anymore. She couldn't handle it. Now, she was completely lonely in a world that continuously beat her up without even giving her a second to breathe. The world was too cruel and she thought she was too weak to be apart of it.

"Living isn't worth it anymore."

𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫  ꗃ  Choi Soobin Where stories live. Discover now