=͟͟͞♡ 6

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˚· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Blue Hour

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Blue Hour ▬

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Soobin began to panic due to the fact that Daeun wasn't responding. He held her up firmly in his hands, sitting her down right back on the bench. He didn't know what to do.

Is she dead?? What's happening? Oh no no if Chan finds out about this...I could be in serious trouble! He told me not to meddle with these people but here I am...

Soobin carefully picked up the girl in his arms, gently ghosting his fingers over the girl's cheek, moving away her stray strands of hair that covered her face.

Why did his body react a certain way when he was around her? What was this feeling welling up inside of him? He's basically a stranger to her but there's something about her that he just couldn't shake off.

The only place Soobin could think of carrying her was home. Her home, of course. For some reason, though he had absolutely no background information on this girl, he had just strongly known where she lived on their very first encounter when he saved her. How else would she wake up in her bed?

Soobin was the one who put her there, safely.

Daeun was sound asleep in the boy's arms, unaware of whatever was going on around her. Right when Soobin was about to take off, her tummy did a low consistent growl. The boy paused, eyeing her petite figure, thin cheeks and frail body in concern.

No wonder she fainted..it seems like she hasn't had a decent meal in ages...

Soobin sighed worriedly. He dropped the girl off at her apartment and decided to buy a shit ton of groceries for her since he noticed her cupboards and fridge were empty.

What do 'humans' eat? Probably similar foods to us..right? Haha- Soobin you can't be that dumb! The boy scolded himself mentally. He casually strolled around the isles, pushing a shopping cart in his hands as he focused on the shelves that had different kinds of ramen.

Miso Ramen, Shio Ramen, Shoyu Ramen and Tonkotsu Ramen. Ehhh- why is there so much to choose from? And there's also Nongshim Shin Ramyun, Ottogi Jin Ramen and Samyang Buldak Ramen?? There's more!!?

Soobin groaned out in slight frustration, shovelling the entire front shelf that was packed with ramen into the cart.

He didn't know what exactly to get her but tried his best to get the things he thought was necessary, of course he had to buy a bunch of candy just because.

I don't even know this girl but I'm devoting much time out of my busy schedule to look after her. Would it have been better if I had just left her in her bed like I did last time? No...she really needs to eat and there's no way I could leave her helplessly like that!

Ah is this just my kind instincts kicking in, like always?

"S-Sir..your total is 115,211 won." The woman spoke up from behind the counter, jaw slightly lowered as she checked out the male.

"I really love your purple hair!" The cashier complimented, flashing Soobin a tiny smile as she continued to pack the groceries in a bag.

Purple hair? Oh wait, right...I look different in the eyes of human beings. I probably look more human in this disguise.

"My total..?" The male asked, confused. He looked down at the screen displaying the numbers which he had to pay.

"Yes, it's 115,211 won. Credit card, scanning or cash?" The girl asked a confused Soobin who only blankly stared at her.

Why does it cost so much? I- I don't have money to pay for all of these..!


"Here, I'll pay for his." A blonde male said suddenly from behind Soobin.

"Seungkwan? What are you doing here??" Soobin asked in a toned down voice, eyeing his friend with much suspicion.

"Saving your ass."


"They can't hear us. And what are they gonna do, fire us? Strip us of our-"

"Yah, shhh!"

"Anyways, I saw you and that girl you told me about yesterday. You better not let Chan find out about this because it could get messy. Update me later!" Seungkwan told Soobin in a hurry, rushing out of the store after covering for the male's expenses.

"Wow even your friend is pretty. His red hair is..damn." The cashier babbled on. She handed Soobin all his groceries and his change and waved him goodbye as he left.

"Okay...let's see. Water, the seasoning packets and the noodles. Okay I got this, right? Everything's right here. There's no way I can mess up!" Soobin tried encouraging himself. Surprisingly, he was able to light the stove without burning himself which made him quite happy.

After doing exactly what the instructions on the box said, Soobin was now waiting for the ramen to cool down a little since it was too hot to eat at the moment.

While he was busy in the kitchen, Daeun had finally awoken from her slumber. She slowly hoisted her upper body off the bed, squinting her eyes at the blinding light rays that entered her room.

Shit, why is everything so bright! My goddamn eyes-! Daeun hissed out, shielding her eyes from the overpowering brightness. She slowly got out of bed, scanning her room in shock.

It's either I'm too sleepy or my room is actually really clean right now. It was a trash trove! What the fuck kind of drugs am I on...

Yes, Soobin couldn't stand the fact that she was living in such a messy place so he did the honours of cleaning up for her. He was indeed slightly traumatised due to what he found tossed away in dark corners of the rooms. He felt like he was violating her privacy just because his hands went on her undergarments but what else could he do?? He was trying to tidy up the place.

Daeun lightly trudged out her room, eyes widening in shock at how clean her living room was.

Nah...something is wrong here. In my 20 years of living I have never done this good of a job at cleaning my apartment. Who did-

Daeun's eyes trailed over to the figure standing in the kitchen, towering over her stove, rummaging through her cabinets.



𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫  ꗃ  Choi Soobin Where stories live. Discover now