Chapter 42

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Later that morning, as they all had breakfast, Olivia's grandparents called. Normally, Olivia would have excused herself to answer it, but she figured, why not? It was about time she introduced them to each other. So she hit the answer button. "Hey gramps, grandma, Merry Christmas!" She said with a big smile.

The first thing her parents noticed was that she wasn't home, and were those voices they heard in the background? "Merry Christmas honeybunch, how are you?" Her grandma asked with a huge smile.

"I'm doing so well, grandma. How are you?"

"I couldn't be much better seeing that you're so happy. Your grandpa and I were worried sick about you, seeing as we're not present. We wanted to ask you to come over so you don't feel lonely, honey, it's not too late." Her grandma said.

She giggled. "Who said I'm lonely?" She asked as she flipped the camera around, showing her grandma the people she had grown to love so much, before flipping the camera back to her face. "I'm not lonely, I'm far from that. I found my people just the way you found grandpa. And I can't wait for you to meet them when you come home."

Tears formed in her grandmother's eyes. She had been waiting for so long to hear those words. It didn't make a lot of sense, seeing as there were many people but if her granddaughter was happy, that was all that mattered.

"We left you just for a few weeks and you found yourself another family?" Her grandpa joked.

She chuckled. "Well, you wouldn't have left me if you were going to be this jealous." She joked, causing them to laugh. "I can't wait for you to come home so I can introduce you to Ace and his kids. They make me happy, gramps. I am happy."

Her grandma burst into tears of joy. "I have waited for ten years to hear you say that, my Oli. Your happiness is all that matters to me."

The day couldn't get any better. She was happy, Ace was happy, the kids were happy, Ace's parents were happy and her grandparents were happy. That was what mattered to her.

Then she remembered that she had not gotten presents for the kids. "Gramps, grandma, I gotta go. I'll call as soon as I can." She said and blew kisses towards them before hanging up. She turned to Ace. "I didn't get gifts for the kids."

Ace narrowed his eyebrows. "Don't sweat it, babe. Besides, you're the gift of the year."

Olivia shook her head. "Please let's go get gifts. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing I didn't get gifts for them. It's my way of showing love to them."

Ace smiled and kissed her lips. "You're such a sweet woman. I'm glad you're mine. So what do you have in mind?"

Olivia flashed a mischievous smile his way. "We all go shopping."

"Look, the kids won't mind. I raised them well enough not to throw tantrums if they didn't get gifts from people." Ace told her. "But you're not people. You're gonna be their mom."

Olivia nodded. "More reason why we need to go shopping." She said and turned to the rest of the family. "Who wants to go shopping?" She screamed in excitement.

Everyone's eyes lit up. "Really? Christmas shopping? Shopping for gifts?" The kids asked in excitement.

Olivia nodded. "Yes to everything. Go get ready." She told them and watched as little feet ran to get ready for the greatest shopping spree of their lives.


So there they were. Olivia, Ace, his parents, and the kids, walked around the Galleria and with Olivia's request picked up everything they wanted. However, Ace and his parents were modest enough not to get things and when Olivia noticed, she discreetly picked out things for them. She was going to gift it to them later. The kids were having the time of their lives and their grandparents were making sure to supervise them.

TRAPPED WITH  HER WISH (A Christmas Romance)Where stories live. Discover now