Chapter 19

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"...And this is little miss Maya who will be spending the night with me." I said as I introduced Maya to my grandma. It was our regular FaceTime session after dinner and it just felt right to tell her about my housemate for the night.

"Oh she's adorable. Hi Maya, how are you?" My grandmother asked with a smile.

Maya seemed shy which was a first. She was the boldest kid I had come across. The child literally flattered me when we first met in the elevator.

I smoothed her hair to ease her nerves. "Go on baby, don't be shy. She's my grandma and she's the sweetest. She's in Chicago right now. Go on, say hi."

Maya smiled and waved at the screen. "Hi there. I'm doing good. How are you?"

Grandma smiled. "Oh I'm doing good too, honey. So I see you will be spending the night with my granddaughter, Olivia, take good care of her okay?"

My mouth hung low. Grandma was just too much.

Maya nodded with a smile. "Of course grandma, I'll take good care of Olivia. She's my best friend after all." She said proudly.

My heart skipped a bit. Scratch that, not a bit. Did Maya really consider me her best friend? Why did she love me so much all of a sudden.

"Really? Your best friend?" Grandma asked amused, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Maya nodded. "That's right. She's the only one I can have girl talk with since I only have brothers and daddy and I can't really have girl talk with them." She said causing us to burst into a fit of laughter. I swear there's an adult living inside this kid cause how does she know all these things?

"Oh I see. So there'll definitely be a lot of chitchatting tonight." Grandma pointed out.

Maya smirked. "You bet grandma." She said causing us to laugh again. Honestly, Maya is the sweetest. Well she and Dion.

I cleared my throat to gain their attention. "Looks like you guys pushed me out of this conversation and I'm getting jealous." I said with a pout.

Maya giggled. "Oh c'mon Olivia, we can never push you out. Don't be jealous, I promise not to have another best friend." She said and gave me a hug, kissing my cheek right after.

"Aww, you guys look so good together. I'll leave you two to enjoy your evening. And I'll tell your grandpa you called when he comes back from the game. Oh he will be so jealous he didn't get to meet Maya. Wait, how about I call tomorrow morning so he can talk to Maya too?" Grandma suggested.

I smiled. "That'll be nice. Send my love to him. Good night grandma."

"G'night grandma." Maya chirped in too.

Grandma flashed us a very big smile. "Good night girls." And with that, she hung up.

I turned to Maya. " friend? Girl talk? What else?" I teased as I tickled her, causing her to giggle and try to run away but I had my hold on her. Her soft giggles filled the entire living room, melting my heart. It was almost as if light was brought to the mansion again.

"St..stop..c'm..c'mon...'Livia..." She said between laughter.

I stopped and sat straight. "Fine my new best friend." I teased.

She giggled and then hugged me. We sat in comfortable silence for a minutes before she spoke up. "I love you Olivia."

I kissed her forehead. It was enough to show her just how much I had grown to love her too in such a short period of time.

TRAPPED WITH  HER WISH (A Christmas Romance)Where stories live. Discover now