Chapter 3

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Sorry I haven't updated in a week, one of my horses have been really unwell and if untreated it could of been fatal! :( hope you guys like this!

Sorry it's not alot! :( Will post more soon! :) Please comment and vote!x

Mary's p.o.v

I don't think I have mentioned something, on my 14th birthday this year, my mum told the boys that they could bring some friends to the party, they invited the usual, Daniel, James and Tyla, we were all abit tipsy and basically me and Tyla starting making out, things got abit 'heated' but we didn't do 'it'.He was more tipsy-er than me and all the other people at the party.Let me just say though, HE CAME ON TO ME!I didn't go onto him.The boys found out and went crazy with me, thats when me and JAi had a massive fall out with eachother and I threatened to go and live with my Auntie Susie in the UK.I refused to eat or drink for about three days and I locked myself in my room refusing to come out.Eventually Beau climbed through my bedroom window and talked to me about apologising to Jai.I refused.For a while life became awkward between us two and I would go out and not come home for two and three days in a row.Mum hates it when we fallout but especially the two youngest ones, me and Jai.We eventually made up because Mum was getting really sad and it wasn't fair on her coping with our childish behaviour.Luckily, we have put all that academic behind us.Life is so much easier now without all the awkwardness and arguing.

Jai's p.o.v

I woke up to notice that Mary was still awake downstairs, I could hear her.I went down to see her because I thought she was abit lonely, I guess LaLa doesn't count as company.We were just talking about random crap, about how these four girls from the UK were doing pranks and things just like the janoskians, they had only got a thousand subscribers on YouTube but they were really good, and there accents were amazing.Mary fell asleep on my shoulder so I picked her up bridal style and gently placed her lifeless body onto her cold matress and placed the covers gently over her.I hopped in my bed, shouting 'good night' to Luke and to Beau aswell.

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