My complicated life being a Brook's sister.

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This is my first fan-fic so no hate please! Thankyou!

Chapter 1.

My name is Mary Elizabeth Brooks, im 14yrs old, I live In Australia with my three older brothers. Beau is 19, he is my oldest brother, he has got the same coloured hair as me but he has got bright green eyes that almost look like an artist has drawn then on.Then there is luke and Jai.They are identical twins but  luke is two minutes older than Jai, Luke won't let Jai forget that.Whenever they have an argument it always get mentioned that Luke is older and Jai hates it that he is the youngest out of the pair.The twins have slightly lighter hair than me and Beau but me and the twins have dark brown eyes.My brother's are in a comedy group, called The Janoskians, along with two of there other friends, Skip and James.I have long brown hair thats sits comfatably on my hips.I have olive-coloured skin and big brown eyes with jet-black eyelashes.

I have always got bullied at school because of my brother's.People who I have never spoke to before come up to me and push me over, everytime someone does it it's like stabbing a dagger through my back.I never thought of telling anyone about it, I wanted to fight my own battles and leave the boys out of it, it just made the whole situation worse. Luke and Jai were walking to media at our school, Penola Catholic College when they saw someone throwing a punch at me, it knocked me to the ground and all of a sudden i blacked out.When I woke up, I was in hospital. I had suffered a broken collerbone and severe bruising to my pelvis, I might not of been able to walk again, I was truly terrified.After my trauma at school the twins didn't talk to be for about two weeks.My mum, Gina finally made the boys speak to me but that was only one problem ticked off the list.

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