Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

Thankyou guys for reading it, please comment and tell me if it is okay!

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I will be updating on Mondays & Wednesday/Thursday,maybe Friday and/or Saturday! 

What would you like to happen in it?Tell me in the comments!

New character?

Hope you like it! :)

More will be added onto this chapter maybe tomorrow but im really tired now and my brain isn;t working properly!x

Luke's p.o.v

"WAKE UP!"I screamed at Mary. She was anything but a morning person.I was the only person who dared to wake Mary up since she threw her alarm clock at Beau, that was hilarious."GET OUT OF MY ROOM YOU PLONKER!" She screamed "Haven't you ever heard the saying respect your elders"I replied to her in 'a matter of fact' tone of voice.No reply.I left her room since there was no chance of her getting up despite it being 11am, lazy little shit.

Mary's p.o.v 

Why does he always have to wake me up so early! I was wide awake now and just looking around the room just to check if he had stolen anything, thats something that he would do!I clambered out of my small single bed and onto the cold, laminate floor, a cold shiver went up from my feet and up my spine making me jump.Obiously because im the only girl apart from mum in the house, I get my own bedroom because it would be a tad awkward having my friends over to sleep here whilst my brother comes in, usually drunk and half naked...not a good plan.I staggered across my room to my dressing table to retrieve my glasses so I wouldn't be blind no more.Once I delicatley placed my Rayband-shaped glasses on to my petite head I noticed a note on my desk, from mum, it read: 'Darling! Im spending some time with my friends this weekend, you and the boys have a free house for three days, invite some friends around to keep you company if you want..NO BOYS! love mum x' A smile crept onto my face because of how protective she is, It all happened a long time ago, my first ever proper boyfriend, Nathan Williams, the class joker, the school hearthrob, asked me out, blardy blardy blah, some dates later and the ocasional snogging here and there, we went to our first party together, he got drunk, to drunk.He called me a slut, pulled me outside, threw me to the ground and stared kicking me, punching me, hurting me.My brother's are so protective now over me and I can't even talk to a boy without them getting suspicious, it is quite annoying but its for my own safety.

Beau's p.o.v

I woke up this morning with my head pounding and my gut twisting, I launched out of my bed an dsprinted to the bathroom to throw my guts up down the toilet.It was my own fault, I probally got dared or something last night, I do get a bit, lets say adventurous whilst drinking, too adventurous.II slowly wandered back to my bedroom to get some jogging pants on and slowly made my way downstairs to be greeted by the twins and Mary, cooking, together, no arguing, what?! What's happened? I wondered to myself.They are always arguing about something the tree of them, normally Luke and Mary take on just Jai, bless him, I do feel sorry for him sometimes because Mary and Luke gang up on him..WHAT, WHY AM I FEELING SORRY FOR JAI?!He's the annoying youngest brother who always sprags on you if you do something your not supposed to do, shitface.You would of thought Mary would of been the one that would tell tale?But no, that's Jai's job.

Luke's p.o.v

"Morning sleepyhead!"I shouted to Mary as she practically stumbled down the stairs."Morning"She grumbled."Why have you got your glasses on?" Mary never wears her glasses."Because Mum has gone to her friends for the weekend and she has forgot to get some more contact lenses from the opticians" "Were going to film dareSundays today, do you fancy being the camera woman because Tyla is ill?" "I guess so" "Thank you Mary child!" I belted at her whilst pulling her in to a bear hug! "cant brathe!" she managed to squeeze out.I smiled at her and walked off.

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