chapter eight

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An accident

//the next morning//

You got up prepared yourself and got two lunch boxes ready and hid it in your bag. You went to school with the Newgate boys as usual except the older boys were looking normal as usual while the youngest had dark circles under their eyes. You wanted to laugh but didn't because they were eyeing you like some pry. You didn't  mind you were partly a reason they are like that. When you entered school you found that all of your friends were like walking zombies.

When you entered class ace following behind you were welcomed by a substitute teacher. Whish made your smile drop 'where is shanks' you started frowning and glaring at the teacher. You didn't like whoever they were you wanted Shanks.

You checked again to find your in the right classroom " excuse me but where is Mr. Shanks?" you questioned when the teacher turned around you froze. He's standing in front of you the one you're seeking revenge from "I'm William your substitute teacher. Your teacher has fallen ill" you took ace's hand and ran out of the classroom after excusing yourself and gone to mihawk class "Si-Sir is Mr. Shanks really ill?" you asked when you entered the class in a hurry " no he didn't even come today " your heart tighten "no no no no he couldn't he wouldn't  he don't  know " you started shacking your head while muttering 'no' you looked up at mihawk then said " we need to check on him ace make sure that bastard don't notice I'm  gone come on he could be in trouble " you then took mihawk hand and dragged him out to the parking lot.

You got many people staring at you both but that wasn't the problem. When you reached shanks house it was locked so you broke it down and hurried to his room and your gut was right there he was laying in a pool of blood. You froze at the sight then a loud scream left your body as you scooted closer to his body holding him while crying.

When mihawk heard you screaming he hurried upstairs and saw his best friend laying there on the ground with a pool of blood underneath him while the girl clutching to him crying more he called the ambulance and police immediately .

They all arrived quickly and took his friend and had to take the girl away from the body and let the other do their job he sat her down on the couch while trying to confront her to his best but couldn't she just clutched to him while crying more. One of the policeman came closer and sat down on the opposite couch.

"I'm detective smoker and I want to ask you a few questions if that is possible " he asked politely while motioning to you. You suddenly became silent your crying came to a stop with a small hiccup.  You looked at smoker your eyes lost their brightness and turn into a dull (e/c). "ask away " your voice was cold distant from the sweet voice you used to have.

"when was the last time you saw the vic-" you cut him off not letting him finish


"Where were you yesterday between 2 and 4 p.m."

" I was here at 2p.m. then got a call from my uncle telling me to come home and I did I reached there at 3:46p.m. on foot" you said while showing him the call timing.

"Alright do you have any susp-"

" William Smith the past mayor "

"Alright then why him?"

"He... he killed my friend seven years ago and put me under a critical condition with five bullets in my body , he ran away from the crime Scene after I called the authority I'm sure you can find the accident files right?"

"alright what makes him the big suspect "

"he was following me around for a while and since then I got homeschooled to avoid getting hurt again"

The Grand Line highschool (modern!AU)  (Shanks X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now