Epilogue - Mickey

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Dear Maggie,

Dear Mags and Kat and Jamie,


Hey everyone,

It's coming again. That feeling that nothing is good enough. That it never will be. That dead-end fucking feeling of being on a road to nowhere. That none of this matters. That it's all a huge fucking effort and none of it will ever be worth anything in the end. Life is shit and then you die, right?

I can't do this over and over again. It'll never be okay. Not really. And the idea that I'll think it is, and then it isn't, over and over again, is eating me alive. I'm not sure what comes after, but even if it's nothing, it has to be better than this.

I know if I tell you any of this, you'll try to tell me I'm wrong. That it's really not that bad. But that's your truth. It's not mine. All I'll do is drag you down.

If you leave without me, you might stand a chance. If you leave with me, you never will.

I love you Love is bullshit, but if it wasn't, you know what I'd say.


P.S. I'm burning this along with my last cigarette because who wants to hear from me anyway?

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