Chapter 4 - August - Jamie

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I dunno what Mickey thinks he's doing with this Maggie situation.

Mickey and I have been friends since kindergarten, and he's not known for making good decisions, but going out with your ex's best friend? Pretty much always a bad idea.

I wasn't going to bring it up, Jamie Kelley tries to keep the amount of fucks he gives to exactly zero, but sometimes Mickey needs a little extra help.

It's almost 11 pm when he comes sauntering back to the bonfire after walking Maggie home. The stars have been out for about an hour now and Sam and Eddie both abandoned me while Mickey was gone. My parents don't much care where I am on a summer Saturday night, and I'd rather be in Mickey's backyard swilling beer than sitting in my bedroom listening to my dad drunkenly bitch through the walls.

Mickey plops down in the camp chair next to me with an old man groan. "Where'd everyone go?"

"Well, you and your little girlfriend only took like a million years, so they all left. Sam has work in the morning."

Mickey picks up a log and throws it on the fire. "Pussies." The fire flares and Mickey knocks a stray spark off his worn black boots. They're steel-toed, so it's not like he felt it, but it's the principle of the thing. He pauses, then adds, "She's not my girlfriend."

I think for a second about letting it go, but my drunken mouth runs ahead of my brain as usual, fast as the fireflies flicking about in the weeds back by the fence. I push my light brown hair out of my eyes, I've been due for a cut since school ended but my mom never finds the time, and swig down the last of my beer. "Well, what is she then? Because she practically lives here now, and I've known Maggie since kindergarten. That girl barely talks to anyone except for Kat Winters, but she's over here making jokes and shit."

Mickey turns to face me as I'm babbling away, and I see a quick flash of something reflected in the firelight when I mention Kat. It's gone before I figure out what it was.

"I'm done dating. It's all bullshit anyway."

"Really? Because you were super into it before you moved away. All you could talk about was Kat this and she's so great that. I was about ready to punch you for it."

Mickey half rises in his chair and for a second I think he's going to reach over and punch me himself. I don't know what his problem is lately. Ever since he got home he's either mad as hell or looking like someone ran over his dog. I raise a hand, ready to push him back down, but he sighs and settles on his own. "Yeah, well, that was stupid of me. I'm done with all that now."

I should let it go. I really should.

But I've known Maggie since her older sister Jordan used to babysit us together back in kindergarten, and it doesn't seem fair if Mickey is leading her on. So instead I say, "Well, maybe you should tell Maggie that. Because I think she's getting the wrong idea."

This time I've gone too far. I can see it in the way that Mickey's hands are clenched. His jaw is a bit too tight. "What is your problem, Jamie?"

"Nothing at all. Except after dating Kat, trying to fuck her best friend is pretty much the worst idea on the planet."

Mickey gets up from his chair and looms over me. I'm taller than he is, but I'm tucked down in one of those faded red cloth camp chairs and Mickey's bulky enough he's practically blocking the fire.

"I'm not trying to fuck anyone, Jamie." He's pronouncing every word like he's trying to make a point. "Or date anyone. And I'm NOT hung up on Kat."

I put up my hands in the universal sign for 'I give up,' and I definitely don't mention that I didn't say he was hung up on Kat in the first place. "Fine. Jeez. Chill out. Forget I said anything."

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