They meet the mfs

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*Len's POV*
OMG IT'S THE GUY FROM BEFORE UGCUFX. Come to think of it wtf is he doing in our house???

"Um guys... " I said to get everyone's attention cus Luka taught me that ignoring people is very rude🥶🥶.
They noticed the ginger(?) hoe that told me to die and Pogo the Clown and started acting all friendly.

"Hi I'm Kagamine Rin. I hope we'll become friends" said stupid ass. Now they know that I'm her sibling ew.

"Hi my name is Hatsune Miku" said Miku

"I'm Stephanie." said dumbass "Shit I got mixed up- I'm actually called Kaito. I think..."

"Dumbass how do you not know your own name" said the hot one. "I'm Meiko and welcome to the house blah blah blah"

"Great Introduction. " The other hot one (Luka) said sarcastically.
Imagine having a shitty intro could never be me😂😂😂

"Hi I'm Miki no joke about Mickey Mouse don't even think about it. " said ginger (I think) "And the GUY next to me is Piko. "

"H-hi Luka s-said we c-could live h-here with you for a while if that's okay with you.... " said Pogo Stick.

Oh no. Their room would be right next to mine (and stinky rins) cus tagts the only room avalable. Avaylaybaul. Avalobul. It's the only room left. ☹️☹️☹️

*Piko's POV*
After Luka showed us our room she let us go wherever we want except for her room or Meiko's room. Because I didn't wanna break into people's privacy I just walked to the living room while Miki was looking in every room observing everything. Nosy Bitch.

As I was walking over I was thinking. How long am I gonna live here for? Are we gonna be forced to go to school? Will these people be considered my friends? Family? Lover? WHY AM I THINKING LOVERS I'VE ONLY BEEN IN THIS HOUSE FOR AN HOUR😭😭

As I was about to sit on the sofa I saw Len sitting there eating those nasty fried banana crisps.

"Those taste absolutely vile" I accidentally said out loud. Shit.

"What do you know about banana crisp things mind your business" Banana Boy said.

"SORRY SORRY" I said cus I don't wanna get on anyone's bad side in less then a day.

"Where's ur ginger gf anyways" Minion said

"SHE'S NOT MY GF SHE'S MY SISTER-" I replied damn I hate it when people ship me and Miki Mouse.

"OH SRRY" Len replied.

After a very long awkward silence he grabbed the remote and changed the channel to some news channel. He doesn't seem like the type of person to be interested in the news tho.

*Len's POV"
Why out of all random channels it just so happens to be the news. Does it look like igaf about shit like that???
"So... " I said "Uhhh.... " What do I talk about.

"What's your favorite uhh... What's your favorite food?? "

"Ummm... I don't think I have one. " Piko replied. How tf can someone not have a favorite food. I was about to ask that but then I looked to the side. And I saw Piko on the news.

"White haired boy caught abusing innocent girl on the street. Neighbors said It was considered 'disturbing for younger kids' Young boy (age 15, unemployed) says otherwise"

"How tf is Fuckass always finding his way on the news and I'm not! Oh cool your there too. "

I saw Piko's reaction and I expected him to be happy but instead he looked scared like the police was out to get him.

"Hey don't worry bout going on the news. We've all been on their before for stupid reasons. Like Luka got caught stealing and had to pay a fine yet Ginger is still obsessed over her right? Dw bout it."
I saw Piko's reaction become slightly more relieved and then he started smiling.
"And why have you been on the news for Len??? " said Pio the Pirate with a smug face.


"And up next: A Man wearing nothing but a scarf (literally) and a young boy aged 14 get caught selling their own piss advertising it as lemonade without a permit. Neighbors are disgusted and one even attempts to run over one of them with a roadroller (also without a permit age 14) A young red haired boy (age 15, unemployed) tries standing up for the piss sellers saying 'It's just a prank bro chill' "

I h8 Kaito sm.

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