Luka saves the day

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*Luka's POV*
I decided cross the road to ask what's up and then the white haired guy stopped dragging the girl and just stood there awkwardly.

"Hey is there anything going on here? I heard some screaming so I'm wondering if you guys are okay."

The just stood there, face red, for a couple more seconds the he replied.

"W-well our h-house um... OUR HOUSE- it basically um... We have nowhere to stay um... The girl next to me forgot to pay bills and
now we're um... Homeless."

If I had to count how many times that guy stuttered I would be a millionaire (Well I am a millionaire but ykwim).

"Do you have anywhere to stay?"

The boy shook his head.

"Oh... Well... I have alot of space at my house. It's a bit crowded but theres enough space for the two of you..."
Both of the robot children things eyes lit up enthusiastically and they both said instantaneously: "Lead the way"

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