Chapter four .

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As your driving you start to get a taste for a slushy, you also have to use the restroom so you pull over and stop at your nearest 7/11.

When you get out of your car you see a familiar face, a little two familiar but you decide to pay it no mind because you don't plan on talking to anyone today. You walk inside to find a near bathroom on the right hand side and rush to it.

Your finally done using the restroom so you walk out and quietly close the door shut. *now where are the slushies..oh there they are* you think to yourself with a grin on your face. as your walking up to the slushie machines you see that same familiar face but this time when you see them, their staring at you. You were kinda creeped out from it so you walked even faster to the slushie machine.

you finally get close to the machines and make your slushie. When your done you leave to go to the register and pay for your slushie. "Have a nice day😊" the kind man at the register says waving at you. "Thanks, you too" you say with a big smile walking out the store.

*the man at the register was kinda fine...* you think to yourself. You get to your car and as soon as your about to get in you hear a loud yell. "HEYY!" *the fuck* you think to yourself with a concerned look on your face.

It was that familiar person from earlier "hey y/n" the pretty brunette says with a grin on her face. *who even..🫢* you finally remembered why her face was so familiar to you,it was layla. She went to elementary and middle with you, you two were the perfect duo back then..practically besties but when high-school hit she moved away y'all both separated, she didn't even try and keep in contact with you. She just left with no letter, no goodbye...nothing.

"oh hey layla, I haven't seen you in so long" you say with a awkward smile on your face. "I know right, how you been doing ?"

"Oh nothing, just getting by..and you?"

"Oh girl I'm a musician now"

"Oh cool" *when will this convo ENDD* you think to yourself begging for this conversation you hurry up and end.

"Well was nice seeing you again😊" she says awkwardly. She was also kinda wanting this convo to end but didn't really show it. "Nice seeing you too" you say waving at her.

(Time skip again idc)

You finally make it home after a whole 20 minutes of driving and a extra 10 minutes for stopping at 7/11. You out the car yawing because you were tired but you didn't let yourself get sleepy cus of the fact that you were still planning on going to Miguel's house again.

you close your car door and make your way towards the house door. as you open the door you hear sounds.. not good ones either🫢.


it was your best friend tania and her boyfriend kendrick. You knew this would happen because they never know when to stop fucking. You make it into the house and when you do, you shut the door really loud they could hear.

Every time you make it home and their doing the nasty you shut the door loud which always causes them to stop because they know your finally home.

Kendrick and Tania rush to put some clothes on and instead of both of them walking down stairs in was just tania.

she had hella hickeys on her neck and she was walking out of place (he was going hard asf😃). "hey y/n.." tania says nervously "hi." You say with a disappointed straight face. You started laughing at her because of how stupid she looked getting caught.

"girl hush, you act like you've never been caught before" tania says smiling at you

"Yea but not having sex, I've only been caught doing other things" you say rolling your eyes in a playful manner.

"Yea, yea how was it was you know who's house" she says with a smirk.

Tania's been knowing you since the two of you were kids, your moms knew each other growing up but two years ago tania's mom passed away from an overdose and tania's still grieving from it but she doesn't really show it.

"it was fun at his house." You say calmly. The silence grew louder and louder after you said that. "Fun? That's it..y'all didn't fuck?".

"NOO, omg😭" you say shoving her shoulder softly.

"mhm🙄" she says rolling her eyes with a dumb grin on her face. "I promised miguel I would come back over but I'm getting kinda sleepy.."

"Girl you don't have to go back, your always over there and u never have time for me anymore" tania says with a sad frown. Tania was right, I never have time for her anymore after I started going back to Miguel's house often.

But who is she to talk she's always with her boyfriend on doing something with him. She barley even has time for herself..

"well, I'll just text him or sumn and tell him I'm tired"

"ok" the curlyhead says with a huge smile on her face. You walk up stairs and as your walking up the stairs your starting to have second thoughts about staying home and if you should call miguel..

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