A Princess Party Night

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A/N: Hey there! It's been too long but I hope everyone enjoys this chapter!

It wasn't too long before Eri and him joined the teachers for dinner. After a nice and quick meal at the table they all went their separate ways.

Midoriya and Aizawa had come to an agreement that he would spend one more night at the teacher dorms before going back to the class 1-a dorms.

Meanwhile apparently Aizawa's meeting with his mom was sooner then he thought. His teacher stated that his mom wanted to hear what was wrong as soon as possible so the meeting would be held that night. Which was probably another reason Aizawa fought for keeping him in the teachers dorms another night- so that they could discuss how everything went once he got back.

Eri took that as her opportunity to have one last night of fun with him. As soon as she had heard the news she grabbed his hand and started to drag him away eager to start the fun. In reaction he stood completely still, not budging an inch at Eri's attempts. The little girl tried pulling him harder with zero results. She then chose to shift strategies and let out a little pout and pleaded with him. He returned her begging with a smile and a small chuckle before finally letting her drag him off.

When they finally reached her room Eri held the door open and waved him in. Her room was a mix of all sorts of colors, with random toys scattered across it. A large section of the room was dedicated to Eri's art. Her supplies were stacked in tubs and some of her favorite works were on display. He let a small smile fill his face when he noticed that quite a lot of Eri's art had a similar theme- the theme of his hero costume. The Deku themed art was a mix of drawings with him actually in it and other things colored with his costume colors.

Eri was quick to lead him over to a small round table with cushions as chairs on the floor. The table was right next to a play kitchen that Eri had come to adore. Most of the toys around the fake kitchen were completely fake but there was the occasional item that was an actual utensil. After seeing how much she had loved the fake kitchen, Lunch Rush bought her an easy bake oven that currently lay on the cabinet next to the play kitchen.

He was quick to sit down on a cushion and wait patiently for Eri to fix the food for him. She would pretend to wash and heat certain items up just like one would if they were actually cooking. Eri had insisted multiple times that she knew how it was properly done because she had watched Lunch Rush do it.

When she had finished cooking his meal she set it up on a plate before walking it over to him and placing it on the table.

"Is there anything you'd like to drink sir?" Eri said attempting to act sophisticated.

"Well, what do you have madam?" He responded, making sure to talk just like Eri had.

"Apple juice!" Eri had lost her tone in her excitement of the drink.

"Anything else?"

"Nope!" At this point Eri had lost all the manners she had been trying to uphold. Without waiting for his response she ran over to serve him a glass of apple juice. Her excitement at the mention of apples had him chuckling to himself fondly. Of course Eri would lose her mind over something as simple as apples.

She had rushed back over with a tiny blue plastic cup in hand, "For you!"

She stared him down forcing him to finish the entirety of the empty glass. As soon as he set it down she pretended to refill it; she continued to fill his glass over and over again. After she had finally let him to move onto his food, he picked up the burger she made him. With a quick glance he was glad it was not real, the burger in question happened to be made of two top buns with peanut butter, ketchup, and cheese mixed inside.

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