A Needed Break

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A/N: Hey there! I hope you like this chapter!

Midoriya was glad he had someone as caring as All Might to mentor him and while he had been glad to hear that All Might was on his side, he was also drained from all the constant deep hearted conversations. His mix of emotions left his heart feeling heavy. So although Midoriya was thankful for the meaningful words from Toshinori he needed a break. If he didn't get a break from emotional talks he was sure his heart would explode. Luckily his mentor seemed to pick up on this and the rest of Midoriya's and Toshinori's time alone together before school let out was spent between watching tv and just talking about random subjects.

Midoriya could tell that Toshinori was trying to make the situation less stressful by the way he had surfed through all the show options until he found something light hearted to play. Another thing he noticed was that Toshinori was trying to avoid talking about anything stressful due to the fact he kept pausing in the middle of his stories in order to make sure he didn't say anything triggering. The behavior was slightly annoying at times- especially in the middle of one of All Might's exciting hero tales- but he appreciated the effort his mentor was putting in to make him comfortable. He just hoped that the behavior wouldn't continue.

About an hour after school let out the other teachers slowly started joining them. It started getting a little awkward for him watching his teachers move around their living quarters but with their insistences he stayed in the common room, so he continued talking with All Might.

Luckily within the first thirty minutes of the teachers being back Mirio arrived with Eri in tow.

"Deku!" At the sight of Midoriya, Eri ran across the room jumping up next to him on the couch. "You're still here!"

Eri had wrapped her arms around him in a hug before letting go and settling against the couch.

"Yup, I am! It's good to see you too Eri!" He said in return. He let out a small smile watching as Eri returned it.

By the time their little interaction was done Mirio had made his way from the door to a seat on one of the couches that laid across from him. Mirio sprawled across the couch letting out a yawn.

"Hey Midoriya! Eri and I were just about to pull out a game to play, care to join us?" Mirio asked while pointing finger guns at him.

A game seemed like the perfect distraction from the teachers around him. "Sure. What game are we playing?"

With the new knowledge that he was joining in the game Eri hopped off the couch and started yanking on his arms, "Come on! I'll show you! I saw it in the store over the weekend and we bought it! It's so much fun! Come on!"

Midoriya let Eri drag him over to a cabinet, to which she reached up for the handle and swung it wide open. Inside the cabinet was a big mix of games. Eri bent down and dug around the bottom shelf before pulling back with a box in her hands.

She turned around and smiled up at him, "Here's the game!"

She passed the game over to him before guiding him over to a low coffee table. Mirio was already seated on the floor waiting for them.

Taking a seat next to Eri, Midoriya placed down the game on the table. He watched as Mirio opened the box and set the game up properly.

"So how do we play?" He asked.

Eri started trying to explain the rules to him, which only led to him being more confused. Eri tried to explain it for a few minutes longer before giving up and turning towards Mirio. Mirio understood the look she was giving him and took over the explanation, showing an example with the pieces as he explained the rules.

Once Midoriya was sure he had it down they started playing the game. Eri had clearly played the game a lot judging from her confidence in her actions- something that was not all that common with Eri. Not too long after they started Eri had won the game and started running around the room in circles only stopping to tell the adults the tale of her victory. He smiled at how much she had been growing since being brought to U.A. When they first rescued her she would have never felt the freedom to run around laughing with other people. He was glad that she was able to smile and laugh so freely now.

Before he knew it Eri had stopped making her victory laps and plopped down next to him again, slanting against the throw pillow. She took some deep breathes before finally panting out a sentence, "Can we play again Deku?"

"I'm in if you are." He looked over to Mirio, who nodded back in reply. Eri seeing the nod started bouncing in place, "Yay!"

So they did play again and again and again, until Eri grew bored of the game and went off to pick another one, leaving Mirio and Deku alone on the floor.

With one look at Mirio he could already tell the older student was going to use this time to talk to him about personal stuff- something he did not want to do.

As if Mirio could hear his thoughts the older boy started speaking, "I know you really do not want to talk about this and you do not have to- really. I just wanted to ask you how you've been doing and to let you know that if you ever need to talk I'll be right here willing to listen... Well maybe not right here but you get the idea."

Mirio had started bursting out in laughter at his own joke before quieting down and leaving him alone to his thoughts.

Everything had been so weird in the last few days. He was not sure quite yet on how he felt about everything but for now he was filling alright.

After a few more seconds he found the courage to speak up, "It has been... weird but I think I'm doing fine for now."

Mirio gave him a proud looking smile as Eri made her way back over with a new game in her hands.

Yeah he'd be fine for now.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this chapter! Also there is a new One Shot for this series titled All Might Reading and Teaching, so please check it out. Thank you to everyone who liked and/or commented on this. Till next time!

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